Anouska & Tina Bissett

Gone to Rainbow Bridge


Poem by Wendy Waygood

We were your Golden Girls who loved you so much,
and we will really miss your loving touch.

We were your veterans who were feeling old,
and for us you had a heart of gold.

We have had so many happy years together,
we have been for our walks, whatever the weather.

I think all the foster dogs felt safe with us there,
and you always had so much love to share.

You have given us so much pleasure,
and the memories are there for you to treasure.

We were feeling very tired and it was our time to leave,
and now you need time to grieve.

Our legs had gone and you knew we couldn’t stay,
you made the kindest decision and let us drift away.

We will miss you more than words can say,
but we will think of you each and every day.

We are just like puppies again,
running and playing and feeling no pain.

We will never forget all that you have done,
to us you were such a ‘Wonderful Mum’

Lots of Love from Anouska & Tina xxxxxxxxx