Belle Bookham

Gone to Rainbow Bridge


On Friday, January 18th, Sharon wrote to say, “I have to tell you that our adored furry legend, Belle, passed away on Wednesday, at home, surrounded by her family. We are all heartbroken.

We adopted her from you in February 2007 but, even though we rescued her, she rescued us too and we are forever grateful to you guys for letting us have this wonderful girl.

Thank you so much for all your kind words. Here are a couple of pictures of her as she got older – one on her 14th birthday and another on holiday in June.  

We were truly blessed having her.  Thank you again for entrusting her to us. Sharon and the Bookham Family xx


Fran was Belle’s fosterer and said “Although it’s sad news it’s good to know that she found a wonderful home with a family that obviously adored her.

As soon as I saw her name I remembered her as a beautiful gentle soul with eyes that could melt your heart. I very nearly adopted her myself.

I’ve still got my two monsters but they are declining. Sabre is nearly 13yrs and has had some serious problems over the years and Inka is 12yrs, has arthritis and the usual GSD back leg problem. They saw a few fosters come and go but Belle was a very special one”.  


Wendy who did the original home check said “I was so sorry to hear about Belle. She was a beautiful little girl, such a gentle soul and so much like my Honey, very petite.  The family must be devastated, they loved her so much.  I will send Sharon a personalised green heart”.


Why is saying goodbye to family members so very hard for us to bear even though we know it is the kindest thing we can do for them?

Thank you so much to Sharon and family for giving Belle a wonderful life and a peaceful passing but, most importantly, for loving her to bits.


Belle is a small, finely built, gentle little dog. Her fosterer Fran said, “She didn’t seem a bit fazed by the move from her old home and spent most of the time since she arrived asleep. Taz could not quite work it out, there was no poking her, jumping on her or bouncing about expecting her to play big rough games, just a few gentle sniffs.

Her owners told us that she was too boisterous for their Red Setter, who just wanted to sleep all the time, and that she was destructive when left because she got bored easily but she has been a total delight here. I think she is a gentle little soul that just likes to be around people”.

Belle has now happily gone off with her new family to live in Surrey. Early reports are that she is settling down very well there.

UPDATE on BELLE 26/2/07

Here are a couple of snaps of Belle in her new home which show how well she is settling in.

They think she is a complete love and are all besotted.

UPDATE on BELLE 12.03.07

This is the update on Belle from Wendy, who homechecked the family who adopted her, when she went back to meet Belle.

I met Belle with her new family last night. Belle is absolutely gorgeous and I could have taken her home. She is just like my Honey, petite, the same colour, very similar. Belle is so laid back, she came to the door to greet me, no barking and she just settled down. The way she acts is as if she was a lot older. The family love her very much and it is clear she adores them. She follows Sharon about a lot, but rolled over for Colin to tickle her tummy. She loves the boys, and watches what they are doing.

Sharon is taking Belle for some long walks in the woods in the day, the woods are only about 50 yards from her door, she lives in a private road, her recall is excellent. I gave Belle some Sea Jerkies, which she loved and a fluffy bone which she carried around.

Belle has found a sunny place to lay in the conservatory, which leads to the garden, so she can go in or out. She has her bed in the kitchen and a rug in the lounge, and the family usually end up sitting on the floor with her. They have a stair gate across the kitchen door, but she can jump that and often ends upstairs with the family at night.

They think she is perfect.