
Bonnie is a young GR, with a very curly coat which gives her the appearance of having been crossed with a sheep! She was fostered by Jane and family in Kidderminster.


Jane said. “Bonnie has been with us for approx 48hrs and for a puppy she has been very good, very excitable though, one minute like a whirling dervish the next fast asleep. She is vaccinated and I have now microchipped her.

At the moment she is not totally house trained but as soon as you open the door she will go out for a wee, we have had no messes in the house so that’s good.

She has obviously had some training as she will sit for a short time….. 3 seconds, proper little fidget !!

She is used to having a collar on and walks ok on a lead but will need a lot more training, got a little bit spooked by heavy traffic on the main road. Took her to the Remembrance parade yesterday and she took it all in her stride and was brilliant, very well behaved for a youngster.

She is fine with Tess & Harvey, but needs to learn a few doggie manners as soon as they tell her off and she understands and the next minute she is sitting on their heads!!!! I have been amazed how well they have both tolerated her. She has not been too bad with the cats and I’m sure with time she will learn not to run after them. Took her up to look at the chickens & pigs and she didn’t take much notice.

With a little time and patience she is going to make a wonderful addition to any family.”


On 28 November, Jane wrote. “Bonnie has just gone off to her new home with Steve, Jackie & Louie.”