Buddy Smith

16.12.2007- 24.9.2019
Gone to Rainbow Bridge


Buddy was an elderly gentleman and he had an incredibly happy life but that doesn’t make his loss any easier for Caroline who writes:

Very sadly on September 24th , my dear little Buddy was put to sleep. In the last year of his life, he’d had numerous medical problems as well as having two major strokes but he never stopped being the most gorgeous, friendly dog you could ever wish for.

Buddy came into my life as a 7 week old pup, direct from the breeder. I had lost my husband, Nigel, to cancer the year before and Buddy gave me a reason to get out of bed every morning.

Initially, he was the perfect brother for Holly (a Battersea girl who I took on when her Mum, Katy, died) but after Holly went to Rainbow Bridge, Buddy got a new brother, Barney, from IRR.

Dear old Barney had had a terrible start in life, but Buddy showed him that there was nothing to be worried about in his new home and he helped Barney to settle in very quickly and they became firm friends.

When Barney went to Rainbow Bridge, Buddy got another new brother from IRR, Orrie but, after a few months, I decided that Buddy was too old to be the playmate Orrie needed, so we added Ruby (also from IRR) to the family. Orrie and Ruby kept each other busy, playing and generally causing chaos, which allowed Buddy to have a bit of peace and quiet in his old age.

Buddy is terribly missed but he brought joy into my life when I needed it the most. He also helped several dogs with less fortunate starts to settle happily and quickly into their new lives with me by showing them that everything was fine and they didn’t have to worry about what would happen to them. That is a fitting legacy for the most beautiful boy

Buddy was a really lovely little chap and the loss is huge but I keep telling myself that he had a great life so I must think about all the fun times – they always say that grief is the price you pay for love and it’s true. 

I’m so pleased (and very lucky) that I’ve got the other two hairy horrors. We have lovely walks on the beach and that always helps to cheer me up!

Thank goodness for my darling Orrie and beautiful Ruby!

Fly high with the angels, Buddy xxxxxxx