Ebony Cooke


Fiona and Darren tell us “Originally called Bonnie, Ebony is such a lovely, easy dog and we cannot believe that she has been here almost a year now!

She is still full of beans, which is great, and she has to have her 10 minute mad-skit around the garden first thing every morning with the joys of life! At the moment she and Oscar are roaching away out in the garden. It is a very tough life!

Ebony is especially great because she has adapted so well to Oscar and his problems. Unfortunately, we still do not know what is wrong with him. He is still often in a lot of pain in his back and hind legs, he limps and has muscle wastage and a shortened hamstring in his back leg. We took him to a chiropractor a few weeks ago, and that really helped, but it is still on-going. Obviously, he is still very worried about getting hurt generally, but Ebony has totally adapted her play-style for him! She sometimes gets a bit over-excited and has to re-adjust again to Oscar games, but it is fantastic to see! Their games are quite odd, but they both enjoy them and often lie together snuggling now. Obviously, they still have the odd tiff, but they are such happy doglets, just like brother and sister!

We often say that had we adopted a different dog to Ebony, it is unlikely they would have dealt with Oscars issues as well as she has. She lets him get away with a lot, but knows when to draw the line!”