Eddie Jefferey

21/01/2000 – 5/06/2014
Gone to Rainbow Bridge

After a final gentle stroll in our field for just the two of us, we continued on into Bath and Nick, kindly and thoughtfully, gave him rest. Eddie, cuddled into me, in his special place in our van, passed very quickly and peacefully at 11.30am on Thursday 5th June. He had been 14yrs in January and, although he bravely tried to tough it out, anno domini was definitely winning the battle. Why is the kindest thing also the hardest?

As always, the others, said their goodbyes. This time, after our break with the tradition of our vet coming to the house, Eddie was in the van so, when we arrived back home, they all stayed with him, surrounding him with their love, until he was taken away for cremation by the lovely Companion’s Haven gentleman.

For the first time in his long life, Eddie was helped by conventional drugs to stay pain free but, like his brother Ricky, he was never vaccinated, except homoeopathically, never had a conventional worm pill or flea treatment and, until he reached old age, he was extremely healthy, only needing to go to the vet once when, due to his extreme curiosity, he managed to find a discarded bottle of something hazardous that had, somehow, found it’s way into our secure field. Fortunately, he lived to tell the tale and it
never curbed his enthusiasm.

Although rehomed, it was simply because he didn’t enjoy being a show dog so he never knew anything other than kindness his whole life. He spent his time surrounded by close friends, both canine and human, and was one of the lucky ones who knew what it was like to run free and be able to play whenever he wanted to.

He enjoyed good natural food and treats all his life and, in later life, he had regular Bowen treatments which he really loved. He adored being brushed and combed and didn’t mind the hosepipe which was just as well as he adored mud with a passion.

Unlike his brother, he was never pushy when it came to looking for attention and was always the one to hang back. Although he had always been very happy to do this, he did seem to enjoy more of the one to one moments once Ricky had passed so we were glad things happened as they did and he got his special time, albeit not very long. His body started to let him down but his personality still always shone through so everybody who knew him fell in love with him. There was, simply, nothing not to like about him.

Darling Eddie, you were an absolute delight to live with. You tried your best to stay longer for me but I couldn’t let you suffer. Go fly high with Barney and my other dog angels and please give them all a huge hug from me xxx

I am now reunited with Ricky and the Gang once again,
and I hope knowing this, eases your pain.

We were so happy to have a forever home with you,
you were so special to us and the other dogs too.

We have so many happy memories to treasure,
and I know I gave you so much pleasure.

You meant more to me than words can say,
but I will think of you, every day.

I was feeling tired and knew it was time to leave,
and you now need the time to grieve.

Think of me as the gentle breeze that blows,
the sun and the river that slowly flows.

I am running and playing once again,
I’m no longer stiff and I feel no pain.

I’ve met Nanny Jean, Josh, Danny and Freddie too,
we all got together with Ricky and chatted about you.

Please understand that the gift you have given me,
gave me back the strength I lost, and all my dignity.

I will never forget all that you have done,
to me you were such a ‘Wonderful Mum’

Lots of Love from Eddie xxxxx

(with help from his Aunty Wendy)