Henry Cooper

Gone to Rainbow Bridge


On Tuesday 31st July, we received the devastating news that Maria and Martin’s handsome and lovable Henry had passed peacefully over the Rainbow Bridge.

Earlier in the day, Maria had warned us that Henry was not well. She said he had not really been right for a couple of weeks but she had, understandably, simply put it down to the heat.

She booked an appointment at the vets for the Thursday just to get him checked out but he had been really poorly in the night so she took him on the Tuesday morning instead.

The vets ended up keeping him in to do bloods and an ultra sound scan. His abdomen contained fluid so they said it could be a number of things but their main concern was
a tumour as his gums were really pale.  Needless to say, poor Maria was terribly upset to receive that news. The vets said if it was a heart problem they could resolve it with tablets but if it was a tumour then some serious decisions would need to be made.

Maria and Martin were, naturally, very reluctant to have him operated on at his age and all they really wanted was to ensure he would be comfortable and happy.  The results would be back at lunchtime but it still meant an anxious wait.

Later on, we received the news we had all been dreading. Maria told us “I’m afraid it is devastating news. Henry had a tumour on his spleen which had spread to his liver and was bleeding internally. The vet said it was a very aggressive spreading tumour called a Hemangiosarcoma. It seems that he was a typical case in that the day before all was normal and then, during the night, he became very poorly. An operation was not feasible as the vet didn’t think Henry would even make it through the anaesthetic and it would only give Henry a couple of weeks at best if he did get through it.  

There was no option. We had to make the terrible decision to give our little man his peace.

We spent time with him beforehand and he cuddled us then he just laid on his side. I am sure he would have died today anyway so we just helped him on his way. I can’t believe how quickly it has all happened and I am heartbroken for our boy. Jasper is missing him too. 

Our wonderful Henry helped Martin tremendously when he was poorly, always sitting, loyally, by his side. He knew and cared so much. Henry would wait patiently for Martin
to finish his work then they would go out walking every day come rain or shine. Henry was the best boy ever”.

Maria’s next words rang very true for us all, thinking about our own bereavements of our special friends, when she said “I am crying so much and feel so helpless as I want my boy back. Sometimes, it makes you wonder what life is all about”.

Sadly, we all know exactly how Maria and Martin are feeling but that is the price we pay for loving our companions and best friends so much. Our hearts go out to them.

A couple of days on, Maria said “We are feeling empty and Jasper is missing his partner in crime. He is really sulking around today. It will be a long time before we feel
anything like normal, I’m sure.

Thank you to IRR for letting us have this most beautiful boy.

We have so many pics of him as he was always very photogenic.

The first photo is of him taken only last week on holiday in Abersoch. He is a bit wet as he was just out of the sea. Looking back, he didn’t really enjoy his holiday as he usually did. They enjoyed many seaside holidays in North Wales and on the Isle of Wight.

Our house is very empty without his huge loving personality”.


A week on, Maria told us she and Martin are still very up and down. They went to Scotland for the weekend and, of course, they had booked to take both boys so Henry’s loss was deeply felt. They miss their special boy so much and are still shocked at how quickly it all happened.

They are feeling the usual recriminations for not picking anything up sooner but that is what happens sometimes with these very aggressive tumours. Hopefully, they will come to realise while the speed of it all was terrible for them, from Henry’s point of view, it was quick, painless and as peaceful as a passing could be.

Maria says Jasper is missing him as they had always been very close and always seemed to mirror each other.  She tells us although, some of the time, Jasper seems ok, he also goes around looking for Henry and he looks so sad. Maria has tried to explain to Jasper what has happened to his best friend Henry but it is hard enough to understand the frailty of life even if you are human.

 Henry was a gorgeous dog and a great ambassador for IRR. He had a brilliant, exciting life and the best passing that any dog could wish for so we all cannot thank Maria and Martin enough for giving Henry such a fantastic home, the most wonderful life possible and for giving him a loving, dignified passing.

Go fly with all the other dog angels sweet Henry xxxxxxxx


Henry and Hector are gorgeous, male, Golden Retriever crosses who were approximately one year old when they came into IRR care.


They are fantastic dogs. Apparently they had been sent into the pound by a farmer because they were in his field, playing with the sheep! The pound expected the owner to come forward but he never did, despite the fact that they were exceptionally well trained. They spent time in kennels after their release from the pound.

We had hoped to find a home that would take both of them because they seemed very close. Also, whenever they were parted, they were always totally delighted to see each other again However, they were also double trouble and could get  themselves into more mischief when they were together so it was decided it might be best, after all, to separate them. Fortunately, this seemed to work very well for both of them.

These two boys have come a long way since the night we picked them up after their journey from Ireland, when they were trembling and petrified.

When they came back from Andy last week there were 2 confident dogs standing before me who had both put a little bit of much needed weight on!


The two boys stayed with us for almost a week before we took Hector off to his fosterer Ange & Josh, and Henry stayed with us.

We had no misgivings about leaving Hector with Ange & Josh, Hector was where he wanted to be and wouldn’t come to the front door, he was not leaving that house again unless it was with Ange or Josh. The smile on his face really got to me and it’s something I will never forget. It makes the sleepless nights and worry about these gorgeous dogs all worthwhile.


Henry seems a little more confident without Hector, I’m not sure if he has pined for him, but he certainly hasn?t lost his appetite and last night (after 3 days) was the first time he played with Jasper our 14 month old golden who has been desperately wanting to play since he arrived! He does this funny thing when Jasper has something in his mouth that he wants, he knows he can’t win by tug, so he sits on his head! They have us in hysterics!

Henry is a lovely boy, he is probably quite a sensitive soul, he loves people even more than other dogs, he follows me or Martin everywhere and we think he would suit a very active retired couple as he loves his walks and he needs company. On the other hand (or paw) I know that Ange says he is wonderful with children, so maybe a young family with someone at home most of the day would also suit!

He fitted into our routine very quickly, and he is no trouble at all, he has excellent re-call, is good on lead (when Jasper isn’t around) and is house trained. All in all a perfect dog. He adores being groomed and will sit for as long as you can brush and comb him. However, I do think training classes would help give him more confidence.

Henry has lots of love to give to his forever family. He is a darling and if we could keep him we wouldn’t give it a second thought. We hope there is someone special enough out there who deserves this little man.

Here is what Helen (our daughter) who has also taken care of him says about Henry:

Well what a gorgeous dog he is!! Henry is such a people dog. There is nothing he loves more than lots of love and attention. He is one of the quietest dogs I’ve ever met and so gentle. Although he is quite timid and doesn’t like loud bangs or anything that will scare him, for example cats!

I have 2 cats and Henry was not taken with them at all. My cat Max, who we were scared would be frightened of Henry just wanted to play and Henry would not go near him and jumped whenever he came within a few feet of him. Hopefully he just needs time to get used to other animals like he is now used to Jasper.

He’s never more happy than let off the lead exploring the country side!

He’s very inquisitive and he was fine off the lead in an open space where we could see him at all times. He was great at recall and was always looking behind to make sure we were still there. He needs a lot of reassurance and a lot of love, which you can’t help but give as he is so good and of course gorgeous!!!!


It is official, Henry is now Henry Cooper, bless him. We all had a strong feeling this was going to happen and now it has been confirmed, Maria has joined the rather full ranks of our failed fosterers and fallen totally in love with her charge. When we have such drop dead gorgeous dogs, I suppose, it is no wonder that we cannot resist their charms for long. We are all delighted that Henry will have a wonderful life to look forward to now.


Maria said. “Finn came here last night (18.2.2009) until the weekend while his new Mum and Dad go away for a few days.

Henry and Jasper were delighted to spend time with their old friend again.”



I’ve got some news for you and thought I’d send some photos of our holiday in Cumbria a couple of weeks ago, well, as you can see we had a really good time but we did walk long, long distances and both me and my broth (Jasper) got quite tired, but Mum and Dad thought it was best we went everywhere they did, so we obliged.

Now for the biggest, bestest most exciting news ever….. I think Mum told you that I would be going to agility with Jasper, well, yesterday was our first day and guess what – apparently I (ME, Henry) was brilliant, and a natural, Mum’s words and the trainers. We had so much fun I can’t begin to tell you, but I did everything I was asked with knobs on! Apparently, Jasper was good too but not as good as me hee hee hee and, the best thing of all is we had the most fun in the whole wide world. I will keep you posted with my progress, but the trainer did say something about me ‘doing very well’ and ‘he’s good’ for the first try, I was jumping for joy and Mum was proud too.

 Sending you hugs and Henry licks (which I have lots of Mum says, not sure what she means)!

Jasper sends woofs and licks too love from Henry Cooper x


We just adore snuggling together

What a pillow eh?


My Mum says you will be really pleased to know I have completed my Beginners Agility Course and I came 4th in the competition winning a rosette, certificate and pipping my big brother Jasper at the post who came 5th. Mum says it was her fault I didn’t do better as she missed one of the hurdles and confused me!  Here is my photo:-

Here is a video of me. Mum went far too slowly. I think I will ask Dad to handle me next time as he is almost as fast as Jasper, then I might get a 1st !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anyway, Jasper also then went on to get 1st place in the racing hurdles, he is so fast nobody can catch him!  Here is Jasper with Dad.


He was too embarrassed to look at it:))))))

We go to Delamere Dog Training Club for our agility and general training and we always have great fun there  www.delameredogtraining.co.uk

Sending you licks, wags and woofs Henry Cooper xx


Mum says I am VERY CLEVER!!!!!!!!!!!