Jack Reid

Gone to Rainbow Bridge


Chris said “He was a truly lovely dog that loved life and lived it to the full but, alas, age catches up with us all.

Our Jack died on 1 November 2018 at 7.45am just after his first walk of the day.

He walked over 25,000 miles with me and travelled by car easily over 80,000 miles to Scotland, Wales, Ireland and so many beaches in England. He had his Euro passport, loved car travel and never hesitated jumping in regardless however short a journey.

He loved life, loved his food (never failed to finish either) and mostly enjoyed being out and about meeting and greeting. He was a real character and charmer but for uniqueness he was known in the area for barking 3 times to recommence his walk when the meet and greet extended a little beyond 3 minutes. How cool is that to do it without having a watch but he was always on cue  which brought so much laughter!

Jack, for sure, was a real character

On hearing about him, Joy said “Our dear Jack. I had no idea how he was or how long his life was so it is a lovely surprise to hear about him even with such sad news. He was so special, called him my Velcro boy as he had to be close all the time. It was hard to let him go and we always wished we had kept him but he really did look happy going off with his new Goldie mates.

It is great to hear what a wonderful life he had, how well he was loved and that he had a long happy life”.

Jack was first fostered by Maxine and Novena and he had a wonderful time with them. We think he hadn’t had much company in his former life as he was so desperate for love. He then went to his new home. The family adored him but realised he needed someone with him all day (they worked part time) as he was so sad on his own, so they kindly returned him for his own sake, even though they were extremely upset about it.

He was then fostered by Joy until a new home was found where he would always have company. An adorable boy who wanted to be near you all the time.

Joy said “He went to a lovely home with two other Goldies and looked very happy.


Jack is still in very good health and he has now moved from being the youngest of the group to being the oldest .