

Joey is possibly the most stubborn dog I have ever met. At some point someone has taught him his basic commands but he chooses when or if he will take any notice of them. If there is food involved then you can be pretty sure he’ll do what you want, other times a lot of praise and attention will do the trick but there are times when he will just totally ignore you. I think at some point someone lost interest in him and has left him to his own devices so he is used to making his own amusement and doesn’t see why he should do anything he doesn’t want to.

He is not a bad dog but is like a child who craves attention and if being naughty achieves that, that’s what he’ll do. If he’s bored and you’re too busy to play with him he’ll get up to mischief. He’ll steal things off the table like the TV remote, a purse, anything really and then dare you to try and get it back, if you try then it’s “game on” and he’ll tear round the kitchen dodging round the furniture barking like mad. When you stop chasing him he”ll keep barking for a while and then start chewing whatever he’s got. We’ve found the best way to deal with this is ignore him if you can (when he does this in the garden it is usually my plant pots he picks on and quite a few have ended up in the pond when I won’t play his games) If it’s something important in the house I try and back him in to a corner and then just stand in front of him until he gets fed up at which point he’ll drop what he’s got and lie down and sulk. He only ever does this when we are there and never steals or chews anything if we are out.

He has got used to a routine and knows when we go out for a walk he can run through the woods, paddle in puddles (be warned the muddier the better!) race round with the other dogs and generally have fun. When we get home he will happily stand still while I hose the worst of the mud off him and then he knows it’s “downtime” for a while. He takes time to settle and bond with you but when he does he is a totally different dog.

He really is a wonderful dog, he is very regal and has the attitude that people are here to please him not the other way round, and who am I to argue. He is still an overgrown puppy with a language all of his own, this ranges from mild grumbling to full on barking all designed to tell you something and he’s really delighted with himself when you finally understand what he’s on about.

He is a very powerfull dog and can be very strong on his lead but after a few minutes will settle down and walk like a dream, but he can catch you unawares , he has a habit of grabbing at any bit of rubbish he takes a fancy to while out for a walk and can nearly pull you over if your not expecting it. He is also very boisterous when he gets excited and will crash into you without meaning to so I don’t think he would be suitable for very young children. Having said that he loves everybody and hasn’t got a bad bone in him. He has been to the pub with us a few times and everyone fell in love with him and of course he lapped up all the attention.

He will snatch food if your not carefull, this usually only happens when were sharing out any leftovers between the dogs. When he has his normal dried food he will wait if he’s told (reluctantly) and when your handing out treats if you remind him to “go steady” he’s fine. He is not at all “food agressive” He will happily wait in line with my 3 for his 8 o’clock raw bone (another routine he has quickly learnt) and lie with them as they all munch away.

His recall isn’t brilliant, although he doesn’t actually run off, if he decides there is something he wants to investigate he will ignore you until he’s good and ready and then come back.

All in all he is an absolutely gorgeous dog who has developed a few bad habits but nothing that time and patience can’t cure. He needs a lot of exercise and mental stimulation but if whoever takes him on is prepared to put in the hard work initially they will be rewarded with a gem of a dog who will thrive. He is a really happy smiley dog who is full of life and would love to be part of a young energetic family.


Joey was in foster with one of our very experienced volunteers for 3 months who informed us that he needed a VERY dog savvy owner and someone who really knows and can handle a very stubborn retriever. By chance, this owner happened to turn up in Ireland in the form of Trevor, Niamh and family who are experienced Irish Guide Dog walkers and who are trained to teach basic obedience. Joey has a great life to look forward to, he’ll be going to work with Trevor and running on the beach every day. He’ll also have the company of a Guide Dog who will change every year.


I called into Trevor’s jewellery shop on Friday to see Joey who was laying behind the counter covered from nose to tail in sand from his swim to work earlier in the morning. He is very well behaved in the shop and stands up with his front paws on the counter to greet all the customers. Trevor is well impressed by Joey’s manners and thanks Fran for the work she must have done with him.

The whole family love Joey to bits and he’s certainly landed on all four paws – Andy was well impressed with them. I just hope he doesn’t do what the retriever in New York did last week and eat a $12,000 diamond!! Trevor will send a report on him soon with photos. Thanks to Andy for driving him back to Ireland.