
(Was Murphy)

Joey (was Murphy) is an extremely handsome cream coloured 2 year old Golden Retriever.


Then called Murphy, he came from a kind home which was only ever meant to be a short term solution for him. They had taken him in when his previous owners were no longer able to care for him. Once IRR were contacted, Murphy was relinquished to us. Murphy was groomed, neutered and inoculated in preparation for his journey to the UK. Unfortunately, for him, it took some time for him to recover after the operation so he stayed much longer than expected in Eire.

He has the gentlest of personalities. He does jump up so this does need to be worked on but, otherwise he is a typical affectionate Golden Retriever.

He has a few basic commands so just a little further training is needed
TRAVEL: He is a good traveller
RECALL: Joey has a great recall.
RESOURCE GUARDING: He isn’t food or toy possessive.
DOGS: He loves kind, gentle dogs.


Joey’s wish list was to completely recover, have a gentle brother or sister and a family who wouldn’t bully him but who would love him and who would treasure him and care for him forever. We knew he would be suitable only for a couple who were home most of the time and who had another very gentle resident male or female Golden Retriever.


Murphy was put in a “foster with a view to adopt” in Ireland with a couple and their resident IRR dog, Rory, who had been adopted from IRR last year. Sadly, after only six months, Rory had lost his best pal, Holly, a lovely girl who had lived for many long and happy years.

Rory is no longer lonely as Murphy, renamed Joey, soon became his best pal. They are great buddies and now enjoy long romps on the beach and lots of walks together. They have become incredibly close.


Joey was such a good, brave boy that Santa came early giving him just what he wanted, a wonderful forever home, and Rory got what he wanted too, a new best friend. You could say that Santa gave them both early Christmas pressies and IRR had another wonderful Golden success.