Judy Taylor

Gone to Rainbow Bridge

JUDY is a beautiful 2yr old golden retriever who, unfortunately, needs to be rehomed because of the change of working circumstances of her owners and they can no longer give her the time and attention she needs.

They cannot bear to think of her at home nearly all day on her own. She loves the company of other dogs so we are looking for a home for her with another dog. We also feel that she needs to be with someone who has loads of time and preferably space too.

She is a very fit, healthy, active dog who comes from a line of “working” golden retriever so she has the slightly shorter coat and she is very dark in colour. She is well trained, walks to heel, knows Sit, Stay, Come and Heel. She is housed trained, great with children but she will, unfortunately, chase cats, squirrels and birds.

Everyone agrees that she is very pretty. She has a wonderful friendly personality, although she is a bit timid. She was spayed in the summer. She behaves perfectly but doesn’t travel well in the car as she gets car sick.

Judy came from a gundog breeder who was selling her as she couldn’t breed from her and also she didn’t quite “make the grade” as a gundog and in field trials. Her owner thinks this is one of the things Judy misses the most as she was used to being and living with other dogs.


Judy is quite a fearful dog, which I don’t think is anything to do with her previous home but more to do with the breeder she was with before. She is a food stealer, from the kitchen sides. She is, however, nervous around food as though, in the past, she has either been hit or attacked by other dogs when eating. She is in no way aggressive around food but needs her confidence built upon.

I think the breeder probably got rid of her for being gun shy rather than her eye condition as she is sound sensitive.

Judy has been fine around the cats so far, not really taking much notice of them although she might chase if they ran but there is no malice.

I think that the breeder probably kept her outside most of the time as, not only did her previous owner say she only liked to eat outside, every time I woke up last night she was stood looking out the glass doors and her whole body relaxes when she gets outside.

Judy is timid but, with plenty of positive attention, she should come through. I do not feel that Judy needs to be with any particular type of home but she will need plenty of exercise.

Amy says “Judy is definately fine with my cats in the home. Allowing them to rub all over her. When they have run in front of her or across her path she has been absolutely fine both inside the home and in the garden.


Judy has had a few days in another foster home because of prior commitments and she has loved every minute and has been a very good girl for Ken and Julie.

Ken says: Judy is a quiet, well behaved dog in the house, but fun loving and bursting with energy in the garden or the park. There have been no signs of aggression or possessiveness with other dogs. She will come when called, but may need to finish whatever it is she is doing first!

She seems insecure in that she always needs to know we are around, but she is always anxious to please.

She does still eat quickly and nervously, whether indoors or out, but we have seen no sign of food
stealing, jumping up or climbing on furniture.

As we do not have other pets in the house I cannot comment on compatibility but, although she sees several cats when out for walks, she makes no attempt to chase them.

I think she would fit into most families where she can get affection, and the reassurance she needs.

She is a very pretty dog and enjoys a lot of attention.

Judy is really good with all the dogs she meets. She’s got on with all the dogs where we walk, including ones that want to play and ones that are more laid back. She fits in with what they want to do. Molly is a very lively dalmatian. Most dogs find her too lively to play with but Judy has the sort of character that she’ll fit in with whatever is going on, whether lively or calm :)) She plays with Molly, dashing through the bushes alongside the path down to the stile. Molly is certainly one of her favourites and they are about the same age. Judy is not pushy at all but she’s also not scared. Just perfect!!

She’s lively outside but not indoors and she isn’t noisy. She really enjoys her exercise, then settles down indoors where she is quiet, Ken & Julie haven’t ever heard her wine or bark.

Her only faults are that, apparently, she has done some puddles during the night, on the kitchen floor but during the day she is fine. She has also jumped up to children (luckily, ones who are used to dogs). It’s definitely not aggressive, she just wants to play and be near them. She is probably best on the lead when there are children around. She wants to be friends with everyone and everything :))))

So Judy, although not unkind to them, would possibly be better in a home without small children and she definitely would benefit from the company of another dog or dogs.


Ken and Julie have joined the ranks of the many failed fosterers as, when push came to shove, they found they loved Judy too much to let her go but there was still one problem……….she needed a boyfriend!!!!!!!!!


Riley needed a foster home, as his fosterer was about to go on holiday, and Judy was lonely so Riley  went to live with Judy for a trial marriage!!!!!!!!!

Everyone thought Riley was lovely, he travelled well and would jump in anyone’s car or van :)) Ken and Julie’s daughter was with Judy while they went and later, while cleaning her car, he jumped into it and tried out all the newly vacuumed seats :))))

Judy immediately livened up after Riley arrived and they seemed to get on really well together. She ate her meal a bit quicker the first night and he was even quicker again. Riley seemed to be hanging round Ken a lot, which pleased Ken, who was hoping that Riley would be a man’s dog, as Judy is definitely a woman’s dog and has eyes only for Julie.

They took the two for a walk in the fields and Molly, the lively dalmation, was there. Riley was trying to keep up with Molly and Judy but he was on the long lead. He still managed to enjoy himself, though.

Here they are together on Judy’s special step at the bottom of the stairs.

 Unfortunately, despite the dogs getting on well together, Riley needed quite a bit of socialising with other dogs, having lived with an elderly lady originally, and that meant taking him out separately to Judy. As the whole idea was to be able to take them out together it was decided that it would be better to find Judy another, possibly slightly older, boyfriend. So Judy would like a nice boyfriend very soon pleeeeeeeese.