Kenzie Wilkins

Gone to Rainbow Bridge


After several years of illness, Kenzie eventually died of cancer. Caroline said ” With all we did to prolong his life over the years, in the end, we had to let him go. We miss him enormously. He was such a character and a great friend.         

His best mate Turner had passed in 2015 and was also very much missed.


KENZIE was 9mths old and was castrated whilst he was in foster in Somerset. He is friendly with other dogs and people alike and is being rehomed due to a change in family circumstances. He is a very lovely boy. Here he is with his very best friend, Gizmo, in the garden.


Caroline, his forever mum, says “Thank you so much for letting us adopt Kenzie – such a lovely boy! “

He is settling in well – currently they are both asleep in the office with me.

Him and Turner (black lab) have both been charging around the garden having fun. He was fine though the night and has been eating well. I think Turner has met his match now by another dog that can actually eat faster than he can! He has also tried to eat a few other things too………………………coal, tumble dryer sheets, a dead slug and at least 5 tennis balls.

Kenzie has been out around the fields so is getting used to his surroundings.

He is an absolute joy and we will look after him forever.


Just thought I’d let you know that Kenzie (nickname ‘Big Ken’) is still fantastic. He has settled in so well and is really part of our family. We love him so much.

We started off using the dog cage at night and during the day when we were out but don’t use it anymore as he has never chewed anything. He is quite happy being left with Turner in their beds which we much prefer, rather than leaving him in the cage. He’s met loads of new friends in the village and is being quite a good guard dog as well! His most favourite toy is a big red football which keeps him amused (and us as well!) for hours, kicking it around the garden. Turner, who never bothered with the ball now thinks it a good toy as well!

He had a bit of an ear infection but we took him to the vets and it has now cleared up, other than that he is fit as anything. Actually he is having a good sleep the moment after a mad ball throwing session in the fields this morning.


Just thought I’d let you know that Kenzie is still fantastic! He really has a routine with us and he gets on so well with Turner (as I write this, they are both asleep in the same bed!).

We actually think that he may have been shut up in a garage at some point because it is only just recently that he will walk into the garage at all! He used to stand in the utility room and just look in but now he walks in there and has a good sniff around (just in case there is a stray dog biscuit!).

He is such a boy! – he loves having a good old brush and then promptly running in the garden to find a nice muddy patch to roll in!


I’m still having a great time and am glad I have a family to love me. My Mum and Dad have decided to take me to dog training classes which I have enjoyed.

Apparently I am doing very well, although I’m not sure why I should keep, sitting, standing and lying down but I seem to get loads of cuddles when I do, so I will keep it up.

It’s great living here as I have 3 beds, one to sleep on in the office (this is when I help my Mum – I am in charge of shredding, as apparently I am good at ripping things up and Turner is in charge of filing), one for night-time kip and one for watching the telly on. Not bad eh!

I think we are putting up the Christmas tree tomorrow and my Mum and Dad have told us we will have lots of presents to unwrap and a nice big Christmas dinner (just hope my Mum takes the lumps out of the gravy!)

Anyway, must go now as my Dad is about to light the fire for a cosy night in and unless I’m quick Turner gets the ‘pole position’ by the fire!

Lots of Love

Kenzie xxx

A few pictures below of ‘the boys’ chilling out last night in front of the fire – it’s a tough life!!

As you can see – best of friends!


Kenzie and Turner here. We had a great Christmas and our cousin Lucy came to stay for a couple of days with her Mum. We all had a good rough and tumble in the garden and all got very muddy – great fun! We’ve attached a photo although we didn’t want to sit still for too long so its not the best photo of us.

Turner and Lucy had a Christmas dinner but I (Kenzie) wasn’t allowed any and had to have the same old James Wellbeloved – boring. Apparently I’ve got a bit of a problem with my coat where my fur doesn’t seem to be re-growing so the Vet told my mum that we had to stick to the same food to see if it could be a food intolerance thing. I’ve had a thyroid test but this week I’ve got to go in for the day and have all sorts of other tests to see if they can find out what’s wrong. I’m absolutely fine in myself and still a lunatic around the field and eating well just don’t have an undercoat (think that’s what its called!).

Anyway better go as I’m sure there is something we should be barking at in the garden!

love Kenzie


Hi Everyone

Kenzie here, just to say I’m still doing really well. I had a bit of a ‘skin thing’ going on earlier this year but after my Mum and Dad took me to a special vet who just does skin stuff at a posh vets hospital my coat has all grown back and I’m looking pretty fab again (even if I do say so myself).

I still do my Pets as Therapy visits to residential care homes and I’m very well behaved and the residents I meet absolutely love me and my Mum tells me I’m a really good boy and gives me a big kiss (bit embarrassing really!).

Mum and Dad take me and Turner to Suffolk a couple of times a month and we run along the beach which is so much fun. We don’t go too close to the water as Mum and Dad say there’s a strong undercurrent (no idea what that means) but we like to paddle and be silly. My most favourite thing is to find a nice sandy bit and roll around on my back for a few minutes with my legs in the air.

Here’s a few pictures of me and Turner having fun in Suffolk.


Kenzie Wilkins xx