Meg and Sadie Long

Gone to Rainbow Bridge



Meg, of course, was a rescue dog but she had been loved by her owners, who had to give her up at the age of 5 1/2. They cried when we took her but they knew it was for the best.
We were lucky as someone else looked at her and turned her down. They said she was not what they wanted but she was lovely.

I did keep in touch with them and used to send photos of her, which they had framed.

Meg was like a cat with 9 lives. One of the worst encounters was on my 50th birthday when we went on a boating holiday on the River Thames and she was the sort of dog who would look as much to say “I don’t need your help to get off the boat” She fell in, right by a weir, at 10.00 at night and she went under the boat. My husband jumped in fully clothed to save her and when we got her out she just shook all over us and trotted off to go for a wee.

She also had bad front feet which could not be cured so we bought her boots which did the trick so she could walk again.
And at the age of 10 she had her spleen removed it was not cancer, thank goodness, and she went on to live for nearly 3 more years, enjoying life to the full.

She loved Sadie no end, they were such good pals, never a cross word between them, always together. The very sad thing was that Sadie never stopped looking behind for Meg when we were out walking…….. that broke my heart.

We sadly lost Meg on the 29th December 2006. The vet wanted to put her down in the vets the week before but I said “no” and we went and brought her home. She picked up once at home and she had a lovely last Christmas with us but then she got worse and I had the vet come up and held her in my arms and stroked her so she knew nothing of what was happening to her.

She was just 3 weeks short of her 13th Birthday


Sadie, again, was another rescue but we are not too sure about her being loved as much, as they had 2 dogs and 7 children.

Sadie was just 1 year old and we were her 3rd owners. They said she had bitten a boy but all she did was mouth him like retrievers do. She did the same to me right to the end.

When we first got her she kept been sick. It turned out all her intestines were stuck together. We don’t know what happened but she was operated on and was ok after that.

They said she was very destructive but if you were shut in a small kitchen so would you be. She did a bit of damage but nothing too bad.

The worst thing she did was lock us out of the house. Once she jumped at the door and caught the bolt and we had to break in but it frightened her with all the noise we made.

Again, like Meg, she came everywhere with us and wherever Meg was, Sadie was there too. They loved going out walking and playing in water then both shaking all over you.

Sadie was taken ill suddenly on the 25th July 2007. We tried our best and we took her to the vets then rushed her to the Royal Veterinary College but they could not save her. We don’t know what it was but we didn’t want a post mortem. We just wanted her back home with us.

20We picked her body up the next day and took her to the local pet crematorium. They were very good ‘ they laid her out with her head in her paws like she used to lay ‘ she was on a nice table with a red cloth with her name above it and soft music playing.

We then went to give her a kiss and cuddle her for the last time to say “goodbye” but it was nice to see her at peace again.

Sadie was nearly 11 she would have been 11 on the 24.10.2007

I think Meg may have been calling her to the Bridge as she was missing Sadie and they can be together forever now.

Now my poor Daisy is missing her beloved Sadie. Daisy was a very frightened little rescue dog and Sadie was her mentor and best friend who helped Daisy no end. Now my Daisy is very sad that she has lost Sadie.

We tried hard to give them the best out of life that we could and nothing was too much trouble for my girls.

Sweet dreams my Darlings. I will always be thinking of you and love you both dearly. Be happy together at the Bridge. Run free and be waiting for me to come and see you again and then we will never be parted again.

Lots of love Maggie Ray & Daisy xxx