
(Was Clyde)

July 2016 – Update from Milo’s Forever Home

Eileen tells us:

“Milo is even more adorable than he was when I got him. There is a queue of people wanting him, and even my vet (whom he sees when he needs his dew claws trimmed or his vaccinations redoing) says that she likes all the dogs, but she would love to put him in her car and take him home, he is very special. I have attached a couple of photos of him, one with his now flattened and empty pussy cat, and one where he sits when he is on look-out duty.”


Milo (was Clyde) is 14 months old. He was surrendered to the pound by his breeder

Fosterer’s initial report – UK: March 2012

When Milo arrived he was being treated for kennel cough. Feeling a little under the weather he seemed very quiet and subdued, though he ate and slept well and is making a good recovery. As Milo is starting to feel better he is proving to be a very affectionate boy who loves to be cuddled. He has a large black stuffed cat toy which he is very attached to and carries everywhere. It became clear early on that Milo had not previously been used to walking on a lead, but with practice he has really improved as we’ve developed a daily walking routine of 2 half hour walks.

Similarly, the sight of a table laid with food seems to be a new and irresistible experience, to Milo who jumped up and stole a strawberry from my pudding bowl! However, he is a quick learner and recognized immediately that he had misbehaved when I said no. Milo enjoys being groomed, travelling in the car and generally being part of daily life. He is a beautiful dog, friendly with other dogs, and friendly towards children he has met on our walks. He has not been tested with children or cats in the home environment.


Milo is fantastic and has started to get into mischief – a sure sign he feels confident and settled! I will keep in touch and will give him lots of love and walks, grooms and everything else a healthy dog needs.


Milo is absolutely fabulous. He is getting quite mischievous, and always has to have something in his mouth, whether it be my socks, my towels, his bedding or his toys. He sometimes decides to dig my lawn, which I am not too happy about, and I have to warn him he will be looking for a new home if he carries on. He knows I don’t really mean it though, so I don’t know why I bother. He is putting on some weight at last and now looks very fit and healthy.

Update from Milo’s Forever Home October 2013

Just to let you know that my lovely rescued retriever is doing very well. He retrieves my flannel and towel from the bathroom, the toilet roll when my back is turned, and the fallen apples get cleared up inside the dog on a regular daily basis. He is a joy to live with and makes me smile at least once a day.

UPDATE ON MILO (31.3.2015)

Eileen tells us Milo is her treasure. He was called Clyde, as he came over with Bonny, but it wasn’t his name and he didn’t answer to it. That was almost 4 years ago. He was suffering with kennel cough and was so desperately thin he almost looked deformed.

Eileen says “He is now very handsome, very happy and amuses me every day. All my dog walking friends want him as their dog and he often gets in their car if they leave doors open. They all think he is very amusing and I just love him to bits”