Molli Fievez

Gone to Rainbow Bridge


On Monday 25th June 2018, a distraught Debbie told us “It has taken me 2 weeks to be able to type this email to you.

Our beautiful Molli has gone to Rainbow Bridge. It was on Monday 11th June 2018.

We had her for 10 years, 1 month and 5 days and every moment was as special as Molli.

The last 2 years she has arthritis but we managed the pain until, on 11th June, she went totally lame. She gave me “the look” and I just knew it was all too much for her.

We took her to the vets at 6pm, desperate for a miracle, but, unfortunately, all we could do was to let her sleep and be pain free.

Our hearts are broken but we know she is now running on the beach and swimming in the sea, enjoying herself and completely pain free.

We moved from London to West Sussex 3 years ago and, every day, we were on the beach or over the South Downs. We had also rescued a puppy (Pug x Jack Russell) just before we moved and Molli loved him like her own. Ozzi (spelt like Molli with an I and no Y) is missing her so much.

She was and always will be one very special Goldie Girlie. She has left a great big empty space, not only in our home but in all our hearts.

With all our love Debbie, John and Ozzi xxx”

She was a sweet little girl from the moment she set paw in the UK and we are so grateful for the wonderful life and peaceful end she was given. Fly high with the angels, Molli.


Tonks (renamed Molli) is a very tiny purebred Golden Retriever. In 2008, she was 2yrs old. She was neutered and microchipped but was unable to continue living with her family after a marriage breakdown.

She was fostered in Somerset by Pauline, during which time she was child tested (by Nicola) and parrot tested (at Jan’s). She was a very nervous little soul when she first arrived, actually spinning at the end of the lead in terror, but she soon settled in with the help of all the other dogs.

Pauline said ” She has been a great house guest, with impeccable manners, and she is fully housetrained. She is very much a people dog being able to take or leave the other dogs.

I do believe, though, that, inside that quiet, inoffensive, little girl, there is a cheeky little lady waiting to come out. “


Molli is getting used to everything in her new London home, including the cat and the parrot. She has met lots of new people and other dogs and everyone falls in love immediately with this sweet little girl.


Debbie writes: Molli is coming on in leaps and bounds – quite literally! She makes me laugh even when everything else is falling apart ( we have had a new kitchen and bathroom and total re decorating of the house). Everyone thinks she has turned around from a skittish little doll into something quite lovely (she has always been beautiful but now her charm really shines through).

Unfortunately, about 5 weeks ago, we had a horrible attack from a Staffi and the owner just sat there and watched. I managed to get it off Molli with a minor injury to her shoulder and a small cut under her eye. Molli, poor little love, ran to the hill and laid down in shock. Thankfully she had an injection and I bathed her every day so the shoulder healed completely. I’m still hoping her fur will grow back near the eye but she is now very nervous towards Staffis. I’m sure she will eventually get to calm down and just ignore them again as we have a couple of friends with very good Staffis that I get to come and sit near us and Molli is getting nearer and nearer to them when they do come in the park.

Molli has truly brought fun and laughter into our lives again, whether she is sleeping cuddled up to piglet (her toy that oinks!) or if she is sitting desperately waiting for someone to drop the ball that is being thrown for a much faster dog and she gets the ball every time by default.

Thank you for all the help you give to all our bestest friends in the world.


Molli would like say to all the recent rescues “It does take time to trust humans again but our new Mummies and Daddies chose us, not because we are cute bundles of fluff, we have out grown that stage! but because they can see though all the problems we may have and they love us for us!

Love and trust is a two way street. Go For It!”

and that is exactly what Molli does.

She has decided to give up some of her treats so she can send her pocket money to the Max Appeal. Molii decided Ami (the cat) also had to contribute. Molli can be a bit of a bully when it comes to helping our friends and she decided, if she had to give up on treats, so did Ami ( Debbie thinks Ami has taken up residence with next door in protest and is just come home to sleep and eat normal food. Luxury is next door where she gets fed fresh salmon. Molli thinks if only she could get over the garden fence!!!!!!)

Debbie says ” I cannot begin to tell you how glad we are to have Molli. It’s been a journey for all of us. She now looks at us with those beautiful brown eyes with so much trust and she holds eye contact now!

She is still so full of mischief and you never know when she is going to show you up or be a proper well behaved girlie! It’s just the best feeling in the world when she does either but goes off with a big wag of the tail and looks at you if to say ” Mum life is just great”. A great big Thank You to IRR.”