
Age 4 year old

Sex: female, spayed


Molly is a black flat coat retriever cross who has reluctantly been surrendered in Ireland as her current family are struggling to give her the time they feel she deserves.

Molly is an extremely affectionate, happy and well rounded girl with lots of energy and a true zest for life.

Molly’s dream home
Affectionate beyond words, Molly would love to be the centre of an active family who want to include her in everything they do. Enthusiastic, this girl will need lots of exercise but will give so much back and will make a wonderful addition to any active home.

10 Day report from Molly’s fosterer

Molly has been with us for 10 days now and has really settled down. She knows all the basic commands and is quite obedient. She cowers a little when having her lead put on. She is currently learning recall in her fosterer’s secure field. Molly is a fun loving dog, who loves to play /play fight with the resident dog which is usually followed by a big sleep. Molly socialises well with other dogs, her only problem is when a dog rushes past her, she goes into Collie mode and tries to rush after it…… a lost opportunity to play! Molly can be a little shy with visitors, but her confidence is growing. All in all Molly will fit into virtually any family, she is enthusiastic, can be boisterous but is not strong.

November 2014

Molly has gone to to live in her Forever Home.

Report from Molly’s Forever Home November 2014

Just to let you know we picked Molly up yesterday and all went well. She is a lovely girl and we are very pleased with her and hope she feels the same way about us. She is getting on well with our other dogs and we hope she will soon feel settled and relaxed and enjoy sharing our home with us. Thank you for putting us in touch with the foster carers who had done such a good job in caring for her, it was very clear she had won their affection and they were sad to see her leave them but pleased she was being re homed. We have let them know how she is and will of course keep them updated and send photos.

Thanks again for all the work you do and be assured we will look after Molly and offer her a stable safe and loving home.