Molly Mitchell

The delightful Molly was found roaming the streets. She is a Golden Retriever who could have been anywhere between 6 and 10yrs of age but is, most likely, older rather than younger. According to Sandie, she was very timid but is a total sweetheart and is an absolute saint who gets on fine with other dogs.


Rob collected Molly from the transport at 4am and introduced her to his 3 girls (Bella, Josie and Holly ) who were delighted to greet her. Whilst being very friendly towards them, Molly has probably been an only dog and quickly took herself off to a quiet corner for a sleep.

Molly was taken to the vet for a check over and the report was good. Her heart and lungs are fine; teeth are pearly white, with one missing in the top front (could be natural, or she may have had an extraction plus scale and polish). There is considerable thickening of her back right knee joint, which may be arthritis, or from a past operation, or cruciate damage but, as she is not in any pain, the vet suggested just monitoring it and have it checked if it ever it becomes troublesome. There is a scar on her tummy which could be from spaying but equally could be from another procedure. He determined her age in the range 8 to 10yrs.


It was an exciting day for Molly, her prospective new dad was coming to meet her and Molly wanted to look her best. He was anxious too as he had been waiting a long while for his perfect gentle, middle aged Golden Retriever friend, having lost his beloved Golden companion in the Spring.

As we all suspected, it was love at first sight on both sides. Her new dad came to visit her and had brought his son and daughter with him. He sat and cuddled Molly while the others asked loads of questions, quite rightly, his daughter was concerned that her dad and any dog he chose were going to fit well together. She had also heard some bad stories about some rescues and wanted to be reassured.

Rob and Di answered all her questions and she said that she felt really comfortable about the whole thing and, if her dad had fallen for Molly, then she would do everything she could to support him in settling her in and caring for her every need. At this point, Molly (who was eager to clinch the deal) decided that she would charm the whole family and set about asking everyone for cuddles. She’s such an adorable dog.

Rob said “They all went away to think about it and to talk amongst themselves without us there so that they could be absolutely sure. We felt that the gentleman would provide a really good forever home for Molly and that she would thrive in a one person, no other dog household. It had already been apparent that she found a household with several dogs a bit much and she deliberately kept away from our girls and made herself comfortable in another room which was really a shame as Holly especially really liked her. However, as we had been told, Molly is great with other dogs but prefers to ignore them. Unlike most of our foster dogs who tend to stick with the old girls for comfort and reassurance, we don’t think Molly has been used to living with others and so actually prefers her own company.”


Needless to say, it wasn’t long before the gentleman’s daughter returned with collar and lead etc and Molly went off happily to her new home.

Rob said “We were really sad to see her go as she is such an adorable, gentle little soul but her new dad is absolutely the best thing for her. We think she’ll have a good life and will be thoroughly spoilt by all the family.”


Rob reports ” All is going well. Molly has settled in comfortably and he thinks she’s wonderful. She slept all night, has eaten well and has had a lovely walk in the park. He said he finds her very steady and she doesn’t pull at all which is just what he wanted.

Interestingly, he noticed what we had noticed – that she has almost certainly been physically abused at some time because, if you put out your arm near or across her, she cowers down on her tummy. He has also witnessed the same thing so he is going to work on helping her get over that fear. We said we would phone him again in a few days to make sure all was still going well.”

MOLLY UPDATE 11.9.2010

Rob says ” Molly continues to do well in her new home. Her owner says she is good company, enjoys her daily walks in the park and happily plays with his house rabbit. Apparently, the rabbit jumps over her, nuzzles her face and then lays down against her.

Molly also gets on really well with Dennis, the 11yr old Dalmatian, who belongs to the gentleman’s daughter and she loves the grandchildren. All in all, one very content dog and one extremely happy owner.”