Molly Atfield

Gone to Rainbow Bridge

2004 – 30.7.2018

On Monday, 30th July, a devastated Denise told us “We had to let lovely Molly go over the Rainbow Bridge this afternoon.

Her back legs had gone and her kidney disease had progressed to the point she wasn’t eating and couldn’t really move.

We are all so very sad but we knew it was the right thing to do. She was my first dog, my special baby. We don’t actually know how old she was as we adopted her in 2006 as an adult dog. The rescue aged her between 18 months and 3 years old so she could have been 15!

Daisy has been confused and kept away from Molly these past few days, time will tell how she deals with the grief”.

Molly was 11 yrs when the family adopted her baby puppy sister. Little Daisy was destined to change Molly’s life forever.

Despite already being a late middle aged lady and unused to sharing, Molly welcomed baby Daisy into their home. Molly always had relaxation off to a fine art and was happy to teach Daisy the proper way to do it.

Thanks to Daisy, this once quite shy girl became much more outgoing and really began to love going to Gizzie’s Get Togethers where she was never far from the action whether that was queueing for doggy cake or having cuddles with Duke and his Dad, Phil.

On Friday 10th August we heard about the new addition to the family. He is called Arnie and is a sweet little baby boy Cocker Spaniel. For sure, he will be a big hit at the Get Togethers as was dear departed Molly. We think she will be keeping her angel eyes on his development.

Denise told us “I have already buckled and we adopted a little Cocker Spaniel puppy on Wednesday. Arnie is fairly crazy but he’s a lovely boy. Daisy likes him. She plays with him and is gentle. I think they’ll turn into the best of chums soon. It has definitely made her more like her old self again.

Molly had been so good at helping Daisy though her puppyhood so Daisy can now return the compliment. I did think about getting a Goldie but I wouldn’t be able to manage 2 big dogs when I’m walking them and I also thought Daisy would be happier with a puppy rather than another adult dog. Arnie will never replace Molly but he’s certainly cheered us all up”.

love Denise, Maisie and Daisy xxx