Murphy Gee

Gone to Rainbow Bridge


On 6th December 2011, Moe told us, “Sadly, today, we have had to have our beloved IRR rescue dog Murphy put to sleep due to a very aggressive cancerous tumour. We loved him so much. He was such a character with all his toys and he just loved his chucker and ball. It’s going to be hard at Christmas this year as he loved diving into the presents and tearing them apart and I know Fergus is going to miss him dreadfully as they were inseparable.

We will be forever grateful to IRR for bringing our beloved Murph into our lives.


Murphy was one of our very first foster dogs back in 2005 and, to be honest, he was not the easiest dog to introduce into a multi-dog household like ours. He was strikingly handsome and very affectionate to us but he had been used several times at stud and had always been top dog so, understandably, he was a bit full of himself with our other males. Thankfully, Moe and John adored Murphy at first sight and he really mellowed in their care. When puppy Fergus joined the family as a friend for him, he took the wee lad under his win and they became inseparable.

In all the beautiful photos of them both, Murphy was always the dog with one of his many beloved balls in his mouth, under his chin or between his paws.

Regrettably, I never got to go and see Murphy and family after they moved from Somerset up to Yorkshire but I knew the dogs were having a wonderful life in the most fabulous place…… a doggy paradise

A big thank you to Moe and John for giving a very special boy such a wonderful home.

Fly free Murphy, for sure you will always be the angel carrying the ball




Big MURPHY (previously known as Major) had been used as a stud dog but had become surplus to requirements. He now lives in Somerset and has recently acquired a playmate called Fergus.


Murphy has moved to Yorkshire with his mum and dad, Mo and John, and his friend Fergal.   Mo says “The move went well and we love the house, although there is a lot we are having to do to get it right. The neighbours are very friendly and they all love the boys. Everyone up here talks to you and we have got to know lots of doggy people and they have pointed us in the right directions regarding, vets etc”   ” The boys have settled in really well and absolutely love it up here. There are loads of walks……… much better than where we were before.  We only have to go five minutes and we are out in the countryside and we can walk for miles.  The strange thing is that there are no animals, as it is all arable, so there is no need to worry about sheep etc.”

 Here is Murphy (complete with ball as always)  with his best friend, Fergal.


Moe said.  “Just a quick note at this busy time of year, thought you would like the two up to-date photos, Murphy as usual with his ball and Fergus peeking behind.

Both dogs are well and we are looking forward to Christmas.

He treasures this dirty old ball that he found in the garden amongst the leylandi trees, which have now been taken down to make room for our garage.” 


Murphy absolutely loves all the attention and is as good as gold. Just been out for a walk with the chucker and he got filthy, only way to get him clean.

Fergus is looking on very worried as he thinks he is next and he hates it.

Murphy just loves being washed and pampered, whilst Fergus hates it, but he likes lots of fuss. As always, Murphy has his ball in his mouth.