Nikki Wickens

Gone to Rainbow Bridge


A couple of days before saying their goodbyes, Karen said “Nikki is being put to sleep on Friday 27/6/14. This decision has left me heart broken but her health hasdeteriorated over the last few months, her kidney’s are beginning to fail and her poor old back legs have finally given up on her so I have had to make this decision out of love and kindness to Nikki. She has been my faithful and loyal friend since 2008 but I cannot let her suffer any more as some days just getting out of her bed is an effort to her.

This is the hardest thing I have ever had to do and I hope I am doing the right thing for Nikki. It is so upsetting to see her going to the toilet and her back legs collapsing under her then having to suffer the indignity of being cleaned up. She collapses just walking down the garden and has to be helped up.

My grandchildren, who adored her, have said their goodbyes and will cherish their pictures with her which are going in very special frames. My vet is coming here to my house so she can be buried in my garden which was and will always be her forever home.

Her eyes seem to say a thousand things at once. I really hope that Nikki will love me and realise that this is the kindest thing I can do for her. I hope she finds peace. Anya, says she will be the brightest star in the sky.”

Nikki was a very special, loving girl who had got into a spot of bother through no fault of her own but first her long term foster, Fran, and then her wonderful mum, Karen, saw the best in her and brought it out.

IRR are filled with gratitude as both these ladies were amazing for going that extra mile for her but especial thanks go to Karen and her family for giving Nikki so many years of absolute devotion and for loving her so much.

Our hearts really go out to Karen and family. Doing the kindest thing is so incredibly hard. We know Nikki will love them even more for giving her peace and she will now be at Rainbow Bridge and flying high with all the other IRR dog angels.


2000 – 27/6/2014

At home, on 27th June, Nikki died peacefully in Karen’s arms being told how much she was loved and how sorry they were that she had to go.

Nikki was more than ready. Her veins were collapsed due to renal failure and the vet only needed to use half of the lethal dose for her.

Karen is finding it very hard to come to terms with losing her beloved Nikki. She said “I know I made the right decision for her as her kidneys were failing quickly and that is a horrid way to go but it doesn’t make it any easier to bear and I miss her so much”.

Karen’s beautiful Nikki, their faithful and loyal friend, is now buried in the garden that she loved so much. It will be her forever home.

Nikki, you are now the brightest star in the sky.

Nikki’s Story

Latest Update on a Wonderful Laid Back Lady – 8th September 2013

Karen tells us that Nikki is a dog that everyone loves. All her original problems are a thing of the past. There are no longer any issues with other dogs, she sits at the kerb and will walk beside you, without her lead, with no problems.

Nikki has remained calm and faithful. Karen now has another granddaughter, 2yr old Ava. The girls and Nikki spend many happy hours in the garden plahying although Nikki is becoming a bit slow now.

She has to have her nails cut on a regular basis because of her dislaced paws and the vet believes her to be 12 yrs old, so a little older than we thought, but she remains her usual self, laid back and placid.

They are very proud of her, as well they should be, having worked through a lot of serious issues and, with patience and love, changing a troubled soul into their wonderful, laid back lady.


NIKKI is a spayed labrador, aged between 3 & 4 years old. She is a really lovely, gentle girl who loves attention and fuss and who is absolutely great with children of all ages and adults alike. She is a total delight to have around the house but, whilst in foster, she has shown herself to have issues with other dogs when out on walks and will need continued training on this. She is fully housetrained, walks well on her lead and travels very well in a car.

Karen says, “Nikki has settled in very well since picking her up on Saturday. I expected some crying due to missing the other dogs but she has been so good and has made herself at home and is enjoying the attention she receives from everyone who comes to visit. We have been working hard on her aggression towards other dogs and, apart from the odd grumble on her part, I’m sure, with time and patience, we will hopefully overcome this very bad habit she has!

She has been very good with all the children that visit and actually comes to life around them as they play with her which was something she didn’t know how to do. My niece bosses her around and she is so obedient and does what Ellie says. She is a really lazy dog.”


Karen says, “Nikki is doing very well. I have become a nanny for the first time to a beautiful little granddaughter called Anya; seems strange after having 3 boys.
Nikki is very impressed by this little person who makes funny noises and loves to lay by her car seat keeping watch over her or by sitting beside the person who is holding her. When we introduced them Nikki was very good and in a couple of years will have a new playmate.”


My present from Anya, when we go out we will look the same!

Nikki is wonderful and has found a new friend at long last. My friend Lucy has an 11 week old beagle puppy called Bella and they came to visit us. To say Nikki was in heaven is an understatement as this little bundle jumped, bit and played with her tail the whole time. At no time did Nikki show any sign of aggression or grumpiness, we have now decided they will be walking buddies as Nikki is very good on her lead. We do not use her halti or muzzle anymore as she seems to be trusting other dogs now.”


This is my new friend Molly who I met for the first time at Christmas. My mum is holding me because Molly is naughty and bites other dog’s noses.

We had a lovely chase game in the garden but I had to be careful as she is only a baby, be it a naughty one! Love Nikki and Karen. x


Karen said, “Nikki has been the best dog ever, she is placid and so laid back it is unbelievable. Her aggressive tendencies appear to be abating as she has become more confident. Most of the time she won’t even growl but just wags her tail and whines. She has been very patient with Anya who at 8 months can now army crawl so Nikki cannot even hide from her but as you can see by the photo’s, she takes it all in her stride.

Nikki has developed one bad habit and that is burying her bones, I’m sure she thinks that I am going to get them so she has been given the red card a few times but apart from that I could not have wished for and got a nicer gentle dog.”

Nikki said, “As you can see I have been very busy looking after my little friend Anya who I love to bits even though she pulls my ears. I am very happy and content and loved by everybody. My life is complete.”


Nikki said. “This is my friend Molly who I met at Christmas and who you last saw as a tiny puppy. We have been playing in the garden but I must say her manners have improved a little bit.”

Karen said. ” I was very proud of Nikki today when she met Molly,they haven’t seen each other since Christmas and Molly is a crazy puppy but Nikki was brilliant with her. Not one sign of aggression came from Nikki, just lots of whines and tail wagging. she is just totally worn out now and is snoring loudly.

Lots of love Nikki xxxxx


Nikki is being her lazy self these past few days, the hot weather seems to tire her out – not that she needs much excuse.

Anya has stayed for a couple of days and Nikki is like a mother hen. She has to sit or lay by her which Anya loves as it gives her the chance to lay on her or pull her ears, I swear if Nikki was any more laid back she would fall over.

Nikki is a very happy content dog who has a routine which must be followed, it’s like she has a clock inside her which I find amusing. She hardly ever barks or whines and is so tolerant of everybody.

I have got a dog in a million.


Nikki won the Most Improved IRR Bitch at the Annual Reunion.

Karen said. ” I feel like crying with happiness. I am so so proud of her, to me it just shows that she was willing to learn and change her ways, it seems our hard work and patience has paid off.

Nikki gives her love so unconditionally to me and my family that I could never imagine life without her.

Please thank everyone who nominated Nikki.”


Just a line to let you know I am a very happy girl. Anya is now nearly 2 and is my best friend especially when it comes to sharing goodies.

lots of love Nikki and Karen.xx


After her first re-homing which sadly did not work out, Nikki went back into foster with Fran in Derbyshire who has little Taz and the gorgeous, very gentle Sabre (GSD) who have both helped Nikki tremendously. During her time in foster, Nikki has made real progress thanks to Fran who has done a wonderful job with her training.

Fran says. “She is extremely happy with both the dogs she lives with, as she understands they are no threat to her. She does however, have a problem with strange dogs, so she is going to need knowledgeable and experienced owners who are willing to train her and continue her socialisation with lots of different dogs. Nikki really does seem to have got her feet under the table now and has decided that maybe she would quite like to be part of this mad family. She used to just hang around the edge of whatever was going on, gently wagging her tail and waiting for you to approach her but now she will come forward and put her paws up on your lap and demand her share of cuddles (still in a very gentle way). She loves to race up the stairs with Sabre and Taz but, unlike them, she doesn’t jump on the bed and cover me in big wet sloppy kisses (yuk) but just stands quietly at the side of the bed waiting for me to wake up enough to stroke her. She really is a wonderful dog, very calm and undemanding around the house but great fun and very lively when out on walks.

Her one and only fault, as far as I can see, is that she has no idea how to behave around strange dogs that she meets outside and she reacts badly but she is young and clever enough to learn given the chance. She really is missing out on so much in life because of this.


Fran says, “Nikki blew me away today. My son visited with “Sparky” his 8wk-old Jack Russell Terrier pup. First hour, mom is panicking, hanging on to Nikki for grim death, then muzzle on and still panicking. Eventually calmed down (me not Nikki) and this was the result”.

“All Nikki wanted to do was wash and clean him (very soggy puppy). There were a couple of “hairy” moments when pup decided to flex his muscles and growl/bark/snap (I guess it’s a JRT thing because Taz is exactly the same) and that is the one thing that Nikki won’t tolerate but a very loud “no” stopped her in her tracks.”


Fran says, “We’ve had a small but encouraging breakthrough with Nikki. Last weekend my brother came to stay with “Guinness” his 7yr border collie. As usual Nikki lunged at him, not in any way aggressive but, as she was over excited and she is a very heavy solid dog, I had to hang on to her for grim death to save him being flattened. However, once everything had calmed down, they were the best of friends.”

“Twice in the last few days, we have met strange dogs on our walks and both times Nikki lunged at them but there was no growling or barking and her hair wasn’t stood on end, instead her whole body was wriggling, her tail was wagging and she was yelping and whining and turning somersaults with what seemed to be excitement. I still had to hang on to prevent her pulling me over but I really feel that she is starting to see other dogs as something to enjoy instead of as a threat. I now feel I can enjoy walking her without having to worry about what is going to happen if we come across another dog. It’s a small step but at last she’s going in the right direction.”


Fran says “I started off with Nikki on her lead and we met up with about 15 other dogs in the car park. Once we actually set off, she calmed down with just the occasional grumble if someone came too close. After about 20mins I put Nikki on a long lead so she could mingle with the other dogs. An hour later she was off lead (with her muzzle on) racing round having a great time with all her new friends. One dog in particular kept barking right in her face but after a couple of very loud “leave it’s” she chose to totally ignore it, how proud was I?