Novelty Classes

Class 1. The Dog with the Biggest Smile
Sponsored by Steve & Pauline Jefferey in memory of Eddie

1st Prize: Teddy Edward Roberts
2nd Prize: Murphy Gwynne
3rd Prize: Tia Birt

Class 2. The Dog with the Waggiest Tail
Sponsored by Jean and Don Turner in memory of Oliver

1st Prize: Buddy Flynn
2nd Prize: Casey Edwards
3rd Prize: Bonnie Jones

Class 3. Fancy Dress
Sponsored by Maisie Moo Moo and Shelley

1st Prize: Bruno and Daisy Quinn
2nd Prize: Sassy and Teddy Tanner
3rd Prize: Tia Birt

Class 4. Young at Heart (Dogs age 10 years+)
Sponsored by Wendy Waygood in Memory of Kerry and Honey

1st Prize: Trixie Hughes
2nd Prize: Casey Flynn
3rd Prize: Casey Hammond

Class 5. Most Handsome Boy (Age 9 and under)
Sponsored by Steve & Pauline Jefferey in memory of Danny and Ricky

1st Prize: Tango Green
2nd Prize: Storm Marshall-Owen
3rd Prize: Teddy Tanner

Class 6. Prettiest Girl (Aged 9 and under)
Sponsored by Maisie Moo Moo and Shelley

1st Prize: Zoe Piedade
2nd Prize: Tess Gough
3rd Prize: Skye Jones

Class 7. Irish Eyes are Smiling
Sponsored by Gwen Flynn in memory of Christine and Twinkle

Winner: Daisy Long