Rapha Jordan


In 2008, RAPHA (short for Raphael) was a 2 year old pure bred, very handsome, male Golden Retriever who was unclaimed from the Pound. He was microchipped but registered to the breeder whom the Pound contacted and she, apparently, said that she didn’t want him to go back to the owner as he didn’t look after him. Whilst he was in the Pound there was a fight and the poor boy didn’t come out of it too well. He has now been neutered.

Sandie, who fostered him first in Ireland, said “He’s certainly been through the mill – he has a bad limp, his ears are in a terrible state and he has a big open sore on the back of his neck.When I collected Rapha from the vets we found he had been in a far worse state than I had thought. He had 9 puncture wounds in his right leg alone, about 4-5 on the back of his neck, one really deep one, and loads around both of his ears. The vets have shaved the areas and dressed them. God love him, I don’t know how he can have such a happy disposition after all of that and still love other dogs to boot.”

“Rapha is an overgrown puppy who thinks life’s a ball and all he wants to do is play. Unfortunately, my geriatrics are not of the same opinion and are finding him a bit of a pain. He loves lots of cuddles after playtime. He does jump up quite a bit and is a big boy, so he wouldn’t be suitable to very young children but I’m sure he’d love the company of children from 7 upwards whom he could join in games of football with. He’s clean in the house and he’d require very little training to make him the perfect boy.”


Rapha was fostered by Ken and Julie in Oxfordshire and Ken said of him “Well Rapha arrived on Saturday morning none the worse it seems from his travels and certainly not from his injuries, apart from a slight limp. His fur has been shaved from his neck, ears and front leg and the wounds appear to be healing, looking more like bad acne. Judy took to him immediately and they were soon play fighting and running around the garden together. Then they were play fighting in the living room and we began to wonder what was going to happen next!!!!!!!”

“We borrowed a Halti Harness as I thought he may hurt his neck if he pulled on the lead, and took him out to meet Judy’s friends. He behaved very well indeed and he got on well with all the dogs and owners, did not run off, and recalls to a squeaky. We agree he may be a good bit younger than first thought – both from his behaviour and appearance. He has a puppyish face with a hint of Labrador. He also thinks he is a puppy and wants to cuddle, especially, as we found out, on Sunday morning. I see what Sandie means by “in your face” – we haven’t had a dog which actually jumps on us in bed before!”

“Although he is happy to be ignored if I am working in the house, he does not like to be left and barks even if I have just popped next door. He has not been destructive, messy, or stolen anything and, although an enthusiastic eater, so is Judy, so they dine together OK.”

Rapha remained in foster for a few weeks, whilst his wounds healed, and then his prospective owner came to meet him. Joy was there to witness the happy event and said ” His new owners arrived to take him home. They brought their lovely golden retriever called Milo (aged 3) and they had just taken the dogs, with Julie and Ken, for a walk. Rapha and Milo had a wonderful time, running in and out of the stream, determined to get as dirty as possible :))) When I arrived, they were filthy, and the new owners were laughing – they are used to Milo having fun in any muddy puddles he can find.”

“They are lovely people and fell in love with Rapha straightaway. His hair is growing really quickly and has hidden his scars now – he is really gorgeous. Milo and Rapha got on brilliantly, running around the garden playing chase, the best of buddies. They said they were looking forward to the dogs having fun together on the beach – they go there each day. Lucky Raph!!!!!! “

“When it was time to go, Milo had to be lifted, as always, into the boot as he is not keen on travelling but Rapha jumped straight in. He was secured to the back seat head rest but, before Richard could start the engine, he was trying to get over to the back seat, and succeeded! So Richard strapped him in again differently but the same thing happened. Milo was wondering what on earth was going on and thought it time to get out again so he had to then be lifted back in. In the end, Richard tied Rapha in two places and that worked, so off they went. It seems they had a good journey home and I’m sure the dogs would have slept as they must have been really tired after their walk and play. It was sad to see Rapha go as he’s a wonderful dog, but he’s definitely done well for himself :))”


Rapha is settling in very well into his new home beside the sea in Essex. Apparently, he and Milo play fight all the time and love their runs on the beach together.


Richard and Karen tell us that Rapha is settling down nicely. He is exhausting Mylo every day. He still loves his ball and now he also loves the beach and swims very confidently. Everybody loves him.