
Gone to Rainbow Bridge

RHYS was a golden retriever aged about 10yrs. He deserved better than being abandoned by his owners just when he needed them most. He found unconditional love with Sandie, even if it was just for one night. He died peacefully in loving arms rather than being alone, afraid & betrayed.
From Sandie

I received an e-mail and drove up to Athlone to get Rhys (not his real name). He had a huge lump and a smaller one on the side of his face, some teeth were missing and his gums kept bleeding. I arrived back too late to take him to the vet. He spent a nice night in my home enjoying the garden and being groomed. The next morning I took him to the vet who had to put him to sleep as it was cancer. Rhys picked up his lead in his mouth and wagged his tail to the end. Such a lovely boy who did not deserve to be abandoned by his owners. He’s now buried in my garden with my girls and has a lilac tree on his grave.

Rest in peace dear Rhys and run free & happy at Rainbow Bridge.


High on whispered wings I fly
a radiant star, I light the sky.
Toward the sun I soar so free,
a brilliant rainbow follows me.
I pulsate through your very soul
and in my paws your heart I hold.
The day will come when you’ll fly too,
I’ll be here then to welcome you.
Until the time we meet again
I won’t journey far my friend.
For in your love I live so free,
a brilliant rainbow guiding me.
Author Unknown