
Roxie’s History

Roxie was surrendered into the Pound.

Fosterer’s report – Ireland: February 2013

Roxie is 3 years old and is a very calm, well-mannered young lady. She gets on great with other dogs and cats and is an absolute delight to foster. She has been spayed and has been a bit down in the mouth since but is looking forward to going to live with her new family in Ireland at the weekend.

Rehoming report – Ireland: February 2013

Neil and Sue have a nine year old GR called Dfor and a three month old cat called Murphy. I’m sure they’ll give us regular updates and plenty of photos of the dogs playing on the beach.

Update from Roxie’s Forever Home March 2013

Here are pictures of Dfor and Roxie and Roxie with Murphy. Roxie was so sad when she got here but she soon made friends with Murphy the cat and D-for the dog.

She is the most affectionate dog we have ever had. We feel very lucky that she is ours.

She plays with both D-for and Murphy for hours, but she gets really tired and can end up going to bed for a few hours. She loves walks and is very good on the lead.

We hope to get many years of joy out of her.