
(Was Mossie)


Mossie had a very sad start in life – two years ago he was thrown over the garden wall of Eileen & John, who tried to find him a new home but were unsuccessful. He had a broken leg, not really surprising, and welts on his back. With the tender loving care of his new owners he made a good recovery and although, still a bit timid, loves people and other dogs. He then developed a tumour in his stomach, which was removed, he then slipped a disc in his back whilst jumping from the jeep to go on his daily 6 mile hike with John. John & Eileen are emigrating and rather than put Mossie through another ordeal, contacted Sandie to find him a good home.

No sooner said than done. Sandie had recently had a visit from Pat & Ursula who have Sparky whom Sandie bred and is a brother of her Tina. Sparky is a very healthy, lively 12 year old, but they thought they should be looking towards the day when the inevitable happens and they just couldn’t bear to be without a Golden Retriever in their lives as Sparky has given them so much. They spoke with Sandie about adopting an older dog instead of buying a young pup and have now given a fabulous home to Mossie.

It’s early days yet, but Mossie appears to be very happy with his new surroundings and his new pal Sparky. All at IRR wish Mossie a long, healthy and happy life with his new family.


Mossie is now Sonny. Pat says. “He is settling well now, eating his food and treats and is more relaxed .

He is still fearful of some things–certain noises and especially lights–but we are reassuring him and he is becoming more calm.

He is not used to walking on a lead but we are working on that gradually.”

UPDATE 30.09.2010

Sonny is doing very well. He is over his op and is much calmer. He has taken to sleeping under the stairs at night with the door opened. During the day he likes the kitchen best and Sparky lets him sleep in his bed sometimes! We have tried the halti and it is working great. I am much happier now taking him for a walk – otherwise he could knock you over- no bother.!!! He still has a problem in the car- he goes bonkers barking at other cars. He seems to stalk cars as they pass and then bark when they go!