Special Buggy Donation

Wendy Waygood made a very special donation to IRR.

Towards the end of his life, her lovely boy Kerry, had great difficulty walking – but still wanted to go out as he had always done. So Wendy bought him a special buggy. It gave Kerry an extra two years of life – he was 15 years old when he went to The Bridge. He used to take his walk, then got in when he was tired. This way he could still do long walks with his best friend Honey. 

But since Kerry has gone, the doggie buggy has been sitting in her cupboard. Now Wendy has come up with the very generous notion of donating it to IRR with the idea that an elderly dog or a dog with a disability could make use of it.

The buggy remains the property of IRR, but is available for loan to IRR members, who may like to make a donation for its use. The buggy folds flat for ease of transport and has covers for the rain.

The first beneficiary of the buggy was Julie Granger’s gorgeous three-legged wonder boy Ricky.