Use of IRR Logo

Whist IRR greatly appreciates the fundraising of individuals on our behalf, we wish to bring to your attention that the copyright for the IRR logo resides with Irish Retriever Rescue.

Should you wish to use this logo, we would ask that you seek written permission from the Trustees, stating how you intend to use the logo.

Once permission has been granted, we can supply you with an official logo file in the file format that best suits your needs. This will allow us to not only better coordinate our fundraising efforts but also to maintain the integrity of the IRR brand and ensure we are seen to be a professional organisation.

Under no circumstances should you attempt to re-create the IRR logo. The official logo can be supplied electronically in a variety of file formats. 

Please also note that permission is granted on a single-use basis and only for the use as stated in the permission. You are not permitted to pass the logo on to anyone else. Each additional use must receive individual permission from the Trustees.

Permission to use the logo on merchandise should be sought from Jackie at

Should you have any questions regarding the use of the logo, or wish to obtain permission, please email .

Thank you in advance for your co-operation.

March 2014