Willow Ashwood

Gone to Rainbow Bridge

Very Sad News: January 2014

Patrick wrote to say “I wanted to let you know my lovely Willow passed away today, 15th January, aged 14.

I adopted Willow from IRR when she was 10yrs old and have been truly blessed to know and love her for these past too few years”.

MY DAD (from Willow)

As I lay down for my last rest
I think of Dad – you are the best
Despite my age, you still picked me
One year, two years, more than three

Although mature, you took me on
Our love so great, a rosette won
You nursed me when I wasn’t well
How long I had was hard to tell

Avoiding puddles, feeling jolly
The fun and games with sister Holly
Another sister came to stay
Side by Birdie’s side I’d lay

I’m tired so I had to go
Even though I love you so
But sun will follow after rain
And then we all will meet again

With burdens gone, you set me free
You always did your best for me
But precious time goes all too soon
Your angel’s flying to the moon


Willow, a beautiful 10 year old Goldie girl, was fostered by Gill who said of her “Willow joined the clan on Saturday 16th October, and although quite shy, I guess meeting two great galoofs is intimidating for most!!!

She settled well and is happy being with the boys although she does get pushed out a little as she is much smaller than they are.

We opted to feed her the same dried food as the boys which I have to say she enjoyed. She is always willing and ready for a snack with good manners as she doesn’t snatch at food and is very good in the house.

She seems a little timid if you approach her over her head and is not sure about cuddles and fuss, but, with a little work she will be a very loving companion.

Her back legs are a little stiff so we have only taken her for short walks and she does have difficulty getting into the car which is mostly due to her age. She will put her front legs in and then waits expectantly for you to lift the rear in!”

UPDATE 13/11/2010

Gill said: “Willow or ‘Little O’ as she became known was a delight being a smart little cookie who didn’t take long to learn how to get through the fence on to the garden! Needless to say Oz and Cisco duly followed, but then they did that most of the time anyway as they adored her even though Oz always made sure he was first for everything (nothing changed there). He was a gentleman when he thought he needed to protect her.

Willow certainly belies her age as you wouldn’t think she was 10 who was a pleasure to foster and so well behaved.


Willow has now gone to her forever home and here she is with her new Dad, Patrick.”


Patrick said” After our very long journey home she settled in very well indeed and has been an absolute dream thus far.

We have had a little fashion parade of her new attire and she seems to favour her Masta coat in Brown! Though her luminous one came in handy tonight as we have just had an evening walk along the promenade!

She’s not too sure of her new bed yet, but seems happier laid in front of the fire!

Absolutely no flies on this one, lol, she’s worked out how to lift the handle on the stair gate to access the kitchen if I am silly enough not to put the handle right down!!

And the biggest achievement is with my young Lab Holly who has followed Willow into the garden and done a wee wee in my garden for the first time in a year!! So having another girl has clearly taught her its fine to wee in the garden! She obviously thought it was for boy dogs only haha.

Thanks again for your special care of Willow.”

UPDATE 16 JAN 2011

Patrick said “Willow is doing so well. She has had an operation to remove a small cancerous lump on her back and has recovered from her op relatively quickly. She has been a dream taking her daily medications and supplements. The wound is just starting to get soft downy hair, which hopefully will grow back nice and thick.

She has various daily supplements from the Homeopathic vet and remedies which I have to give each evening every half hour. She is now about to start on the transfer factor and k9 immunity (which we had to delay so it did not complicate the Homeopathy). So fingers crossed I can keep the cancer from returning.

She really is a dream and each day I thank God for her life and for sending her to me.

The reward from her is so great. And when people say to me fancy taking on a dog of her age I just keep quiet and think of her face when she is out in the woods. She runs and runs and runs and seems to have this new lease of life. Though she is far too lady like to get muddy ha ha. It makes me laugh how she trots around the puddles so her feet don’t get wet!! Of all the dogs I have rescued I have not seen one so happy to be outside in the open air free to enjoy all the places I take them. She absolutely loves a place called Abbots Wood which is about 9 miles from me but we go about 3 times a week. We go to the gallops on top of the downs too which is about 12 miles in the opposite direction and she loves that. I also take her to the sea front and she likes a walk along the promenade but the beach was not a success as she obviously thought the purpose of going was to eat as much sea weed as possible!!!!!!!!

I do as little road work as possible as her back nails clip the pavement and I notice wear down so now it’s grass only for Willow so they don’t get sore. It does mean a car trip but that’s well worthwhile.

Shes been making a bee line for water recently too but it’s far too cold to allow her in so when the fur has grown back and I am satisfied there is no risk of return I may take her to the hydro pool where I swim my other dogs so she can swim in the warm water and hopefully keep her back legs strong as well. She’s muscled up at the back quite nicely now too which is good.

I am so thrilled to have her and I hope to for many years yet but what ever the duration I strive to ensure every day is a happy one for her.

When people ask me would I do this again with another oldie, I say yes yes yes a thousand times yes. But hopefully not yet a while. My old boy was 16 last week and I am thrilled at that achievement for him.


Thank you so much for the Pudsey Memorial Award Runner Up Rosette. I was thrilled to receive the lovely rosette with the certificate.

My lovely Willow is doing very nicely and considering she is 11 yrs 9 months now she is full of beans.

The day Willow came really changed my world. I had a GR in the past but just one, only for a few months sadly as she was so unwell. Owning Willow has totally got me hooked on Goldens and I now don’t think I could own any other breed. My mother, who has rescued Old English Sheepdogs for 37 years has now rescued her first Golden, a lovely boy called Buzz who came from Ireland via the ISPCA.

I have also rescued a 12 year old Golden girl called Birdie. Sadly she has bladder cancer and is now my second retriever fighting cancer in under a year. She and Willow are great friends and love each other dearly. Every day is a bonus for Bird and we are ever hopeful of a miracle. Here is a picture of Birdie (left) and my lovely Willow (right). They run along together so close you would think the are joined at the hips!!!!