Bailey Breuning

Gone to Rainbow Bridge

TAKEN TOO SOON (5.8.2012 – 3.7.2022)

Bailey’s mum said, “We saw Bailey’s picture when he was a puppy on the IRR website, one of Bellas’s puppies. We travelled to Sheringham where Aunty Jackie and Uncle Ron had fostered Bailey. We accepted Bailey into our family with our 11-month-old son at the time. Bailey also grew up with our youngest son. Bailey has been a very protective dog over his family especially when the boys were babies right up till now.

Sadly, Bailey got ill and was rushed to the vet this morning. He deteriorated very quickly and by noon we made the decision to end his suffering and let Bailey run free where he was greeted by Ron who carried him over to Rainbow Bridge. Bailey would have been 10 next month and he will be very much missed in the Breuning house, especially by my eldest who grew up together being a year apart from each other.”

All at IRR send their condolences to the Breuning family and we are thinking of them at this very sad time. Ron will, for sure, take good care of you and you will also have your brother Bond to run and play with every day.

Rest peacefully Bailey and fly with the angels.


(Was Puppy No 5)

Bailey’s Mum, Bella, was surrendered in Ireland due to a change in family circumstances. She is a Retriever mix and looks as though she has been crossed with a cocker spaniel, and she is quite small, about 14 inches.

It seems Bella was in heat while she was in the dog pound and nature ran its course. IRR had no idea when Bella came to the UK she was already pregnant and it wasn’t until her adoptive family took her to the vet for a check up a few weeks after her adoption, it was discovered she was due to give birth within 2 weeks. On 5th August 2012 Bella gave birth to 7 beautiful puppies.

The puppies are now ready to go to their Forever Homes.

Fosterer’s first report – UK: 11th October 2012

Bailey is a typical 8wk old puppy. When he first arrived on Monday 8th Oct he was a little frightened, which was to be expected as he`d just been separated from all his litter mates. Bridie was quite interested in the little bundle, but Bailey was quite nervous and gave a yelp when Bridie approached him, so she has left him alone.

He just loves Ron, and often falls asleep in Ron’s lap, not that we are spoiling him by letting him on our bed of course, but we do know that he`ll be allowed to do this in his forever home, so no problem

Wednesday 10th Oct. Oh wow what a change we have seen in Bailey in two days. He has certainly come out of his shell, and is becoming quite a confident little man 🙂 He loves playing with all of Bridies toys, and runs up and down the living room like a lunatic with a toy in his mouth. If he’s not sure about something he`ll bark at it. Yes; Bailey has found his voice!!

We are obviously still house training, but are getting there. He is gradually getting to know his name, and unbelievably sits when asked and comes when called; he is certainly a very fast learner!

Bailey is now taking more notice of Bridie, but I think she’s not quite sure what to make of him, and gives him a wide berth, as he thinks its fun to try and bite her feet and jump at her. She is being so patient with him bless her.

Bailey is a little nervous of new people when they come in, but soon warms to them, when he realises that by looking as cute as he is, he soon gets plenty of attention.

He’ll be going to his forever home soon, where he’ll get loads of love from all the family and I’m sure that he’ll grow into a lovely well balanced dog.

Fosterer’s second report UK: 20th October 2012

Bailey is now fully vaccinated and was a very brave boy. He didn’t flinch an inch. The vet did a thorough check of his hips, eyes, ears, mouth, legs, stomach and heart, and was very happy with his state of health. She weighed him and he is now 7.3kgs so he`s put on just over a kilo in 2wks.

The vet mentioned worming and Id written down all dates & doses that hes had, so she was also happy with that.

Bailey was a little scared at first when we got to the vets, but with all the receptionists and nurses coming out to make a fuss of him, he seemed to forget his worries and enjoyed all the attention.

November 2012: Bailey has gone to his Forever Home

Here’s what Bailey’s adopters had to say:

When we left Sheringham with Bailey for the 10 hour car ride Bailey slept while secured on the back seat. He was very relaxed and calm.

We got him home and he’s fitted into our family life very well. There were a few problems with him barking at the two cats but he knows now they are family.

He enjoys chasing our other dog Taffy; he also decided to take a dive in the river while out walking with us.

Bailey likes to clean our son’s hands and feet and high chair when he has finished eating. They do get along and do play with each other.

Bailey has met a few dogs and there is one in particular he loves very much; Tia, my sister’s retriever mix.

Update from Bailey’s forever home – 11th February 2013

Bailey has settled into family life very well. He is house trained and has no accidents after a few months being here but I don’t think we can trust him on his own at home as he chewed everything when on his own.

He loves his walks but starts to bark when off a lead when other people are out walking. He does not like water very much as he had a fright when he jumped in to a river when he was a puppy. He has been to a beach and was not keen on the water.

Bailey is a very loving affectionate especially in the morning and is an easily trained pup. He can give paws; lie down; return on a whistle and walks very well on a lead as long as there are rewards at the end of it.

Bailey is very much a food oriented dog you can train him very quickly with treats as a reward.

Bailey in general is a very patient dog and can take a lot from our son climbing on him playing with him. He knows that little people may have something very nice in their hands and might even share food with him.

We are very lucky to have Bailey, he has completed our little family.
