2016 Non-Golden Successes


The cruel man had disowned her. He’d planned to make some cash
But a dalliance with a romeo had quashed that in a flash
He threw her out into the cold, the rain was lashing down
With luck, he said, she’d have the pups and all of them would drown.

But angels watched and sent a saint to lend a helping hand
In time to aid the whelping of babies so unplanned
Meg’s little crossbreed puppies were premature for sure
Tiny Ted then little Tom but would there still be more?

Yes, soon comes wee pink Tilly, the tiniest of all
 Her life was truly in their hands, this one so very small
The next was called sweet Tammy, no way would she revive
And stillborn Tim, the last one, not destined to survive.

Though sad, the vet, who knew, for sure, Meg’s young life had been tough
Said ” In this case, I’m certain,  just three is quite enough”
The pups’ lives in the balance, poor Megan washed out too
But far too rough and careless, she didn’t have a clue.

Their rescuer stayed close at hand to watch them through the night
And, in the end, her love and care made sure they’d win the fight.
As morning dawned, Meg quickly learnt exactly what to do
The tiny babes, with loving care, would surely now pull through.

Meg learnt to trust and gained in strength. Her babies blossomed too
A golden girl and two black boys with care they grew and grew.
All four were very lucky, great homes would soon be found
Thanks to the kindly stranger who made them safe and sound

Poem by Jeff Shepherd