Molly Bissett


Sandie said. “Molly came to us as a 7-year-old Golden Retriever. She was surrendered to me by her owner as an alternative to having her put to sleep.

I was told by the previous owner that Molly had been incontinent all of her life and he had taken her to the Veterinary College as a 16-week-old pup but didn’t proceed with any treatment recommended by them. As she lived outside, it had never really been a problem for him but it was getting to the stage where he had to change her bedding (probably straw) every 3-4 days!!!

Molly was a very timid girl when she first arrived and her condition was not helped by the fact that she was full of fleas. When she lay on the tiled floor she would be wet up to her shoulders.

Within a few days Molly proved to be a very outgoing little lady who just wants to have fun. She gets on well with all my dogs but likes to think she’s top dog sometimes and certainly doesn’t like her sleep to be disturbed (not unlike me really). Molly is such a joy to have around that her incontinence is not a problem for me at all. Fortunately I have a tiled floor throughout my house, so I just have a bucket and mop at hand. She’s got used to her baths, so that’s not a struggle any more and she really loves her home comforts now and sleeps on the sofa – always cuddled up to another dog.

Molly has been to the Vet College for tests and the vet explained everything in great detail. Basically, the left urethra doesn’t go into the bladder and it has two holes in it and the bladder walls are inflamed.”


On 6/2/09, Sandie wrote, Molly is recovering well from her operation, she’s eaten this morning and had a walk. The surgeon told me that it was a very complex operation, much more so than they’d anticipated.

He also told me that there’s a probability that she’ll still leak, nowhere near as much, and that she’ll probably be prone to infection from time to time.


I took Molly back to the college to have her stitches out and as she was still leaking they took a urine sample which proved to be fine.

After all we’ve come through together we’ve grown really close and I love her to bits, so I’m afraid there’s no way I can put her on the transport and send her to the UK.

She gets on really well with my other seven and is a very happy little girl so I’ve decided to let Molly spend the rest of her life in forever foster with my extensive canine family.


We raised £2,480 overall which means we have money in hand for Molly’s continued treatment.


Sandie said, Looking after Molly is not easy as she is very high maintenance and needs a lot of attention. The Zara’s herbal tea from Gramma’s is helping but does involve quite a lengthy and time consuming preparation process. We did not expect the operation to completely cure her incontinence and there are days when I feel as though she’s taken one step forward and two backwards. When she does have a re-occurrence, the leaking is still quite bad.

Molly continues to receive bi-weekly acupuncture treatment – special thanks to Gary Creegan for his ongoing help.

For all that, Molly is a gorgeous girl who has adapted easily to her new life here and gets on really well with my other dogs. She is very obedient and loving and it would be hard to imagine life without her. The rewards of seeing her so happy far outweigh the hard work that her care involves.

Despite this, there has been an improvement in Molly’s condition and this has only been possible thanks to the kind and generous contributions of her many supporters.”


Di stayed with Sandie for a couple of days earlier this month and was delighted to meet all 8 of her resident dogs. Molly and Monty’s stories have been well documented so it seems like a good time to let our readers and supporters know how they are progressing. This is what Di said:

“I’d only met Molly very briefly at the Reunion but to spend time with this wonderful, affectionate girl was a real privilege. Unfortunately, her incontinence problem had worsened slightly possibly due to a urinary infection. Sandie knows it will never be completely cured and Molly will always remain a very high maintenance dog. Hopefully a course of anti-biotics might have controlled this by now. In all other respects, Molly is happy and healthy and appears to be completely unfazed by this very distressing condition. I really do admire Sandie’s utter devotion to her. It takes a very special owner to look after Molly and tend to her needs – the mop and bucket are constantly to hand and in frequent use.

I accompanied Molly and Monty to the local veterinary practice for their regular acupuncture treatment administered by the wonderful Gary Cregan. This man must surely be a saint amongst vets for his patience and determination to conquer their conditions using homeopathic techniques.

Despite a little bit of wriggling during the treatment, Molly was generally a very good patient, unlike Monty!

It was really satisfying to see how much progress Molly and Monty have made and a real pleasure to spend time with them both and their adopted brother and sisters. Thanks again Sandie for welcoming me into your home.”


Although Molly still gets the odd infection from time to time, in the main she’s quite dry 70% of the time. She still receives her weekly acupuncture from Gary and enjoys her walk on the beach every day. Since Sandie lost Isabelle in March and no longer has her medication to pay for, she has taken over payment of all Molly’s daily medication requirement which is not such a drain on the IRR funds.


Liz & Mike Board
Diane Bowler & Issy
John & Diane Bromage, Freya & Bonnie
Sara Brown (Hope Brown Crystals)
Sandra Bunn
Tina Clark
J & G Clench
Victoria Clench
Sandra Dalmeijer
Patsy Gallon
Trish Glassey
Zara’s herbal tea (Grammas)
Tom & Maureen Hurst, Flynn & Flo
Di James and Penny and Dazzle
Brucie, Diane and John Killington
Irena Kurowska
Lactosym (Lactosym)
Lynne Lazenby & Phoenix
Julie Lewis, Roddy & Layla
Lindsay Lewis & Hellfire
Millie, Connie & Abi McAvoy
Karen McCullough, Bailey & Meg
Linda Nicholls & Bonnie
H Perryman
Aly Reaston & Quinn
Edna Russell & Harry
H Perryman
Carol Robertson in Memory of Murrin
Bruce Sleith
Dr Sam Tobias
Sally Tyler
Wendy Waygood
Caroline Wilkins

who have all generously donated money or pledged donations towards her medical treatment, have crossposted for us and / or have offered other very useful advice and help.
