Pudsey Regula

Gone to Rainbow Bridge

PUDSEY 22/11/2005 – 15/11/2008

OUR WONDERFUL AMAZING BOY A Tribute from Denise & Phil

Mummy and Daddy will never forget that wet December day when you came crashing into our lives nearly two years ago, and changed our lives forever for the better. You even gave us a drama on your first day, you decided that you weren’t hanging around to be passed from stranger to stranger and took off up the motorway, you caused such a stir, you had so many policemen after you. You had fallen down a ditch and your hips wouldn’t let you climb out. Puds, it was the one and only time I thanked God for your bad hips. Thank goodness they found you, but you had done it again, they had fallen in love with you, and didn’t want to hand you back.

Once we got you home the first thing we noticed was your love for tea! From that day on every time you went visiting anyone you always asked for your cuppa 🙂

It wasn’t long before you had your first tests on your hips, and we had terrible news, you had such bad hips and would need operations to fix them, you needed new hips boy.

A vet called Hugh, who soon became one of your favourite people, said he would do the ops for you.

We started fund raising, you become famous, our precious lad you made all the local tabloids and even radio, all to raise money so that your bad legs could become new.

After a few hard months and thanks to many wonderful people all willing to help you, the funds were in place and Hugh had the equipment to start.

On the 10th May 2007 you had your first operation. As usual you were so brave, you took it all in your stride. The operation took 6 hours, and Hugh said you were amazing. A few weeks later we got married, and your wonderful saviour Lorraine gave us the best wedding present in the world…….you…. as a forever foster dog. You have no idea how delighted we were.

You went from strength to strength, until one day about six weeks after your first op, you were laying peacefully at my feet as you always did and rose to see your dad in the other room, ( you always shared your love). You cried out and started to limp. You went back to see Hugh the next day and were treated for what we all hoped was just a pulled muscle.
Unfortunately my boy, it wasn’t to be, your new cup had moved and Uncle Hugh would need to do your operation again.

The second time round wasn’t so easy for you, we noticed straight away things didn’t seem right. You didn’t go from strength to strength this time, you cried so much and you weren’t our wonderful happy chap you always were.

It was decided the best thing for you baby was to take the new hip away, so you had surgery yet again

Over the next year you did so well, you always had your little strange way of walking, but you loved your walks, your camping holidays but most of all your swimming, oh how you enjoyed to swim. You would always makes us laugh when we threw the ball to you and other dogs, you were never fast enough to chase them for the ball so you would sit where you knew i was going to throw it, my boy you always got that ball first in the end. And would you give the begger back?

Whenever we brought home a new foster dog, it was you that showed them the ropes, you happily moved over, but never off the sofa for them to curl up with you. When God made you sweet boy he really did create an angel.

A few short week ago you started to limp didn’t you Puds? We had moved to Devon, so we had to find a new vet for you. Sadly Pudsey you needed metacam again. But once on the pain killer you were back on your feet again.

Five days ago you became so poorly, we took you to your new vet for help, why oh why sweet baby could they, and would not help you? But you hung on with all your strength and we took you to see your Uncle Hugh, 250 miles away,but you hadn’t the strength any more to carry on, the angels took you our baby, too early, too soon

Why baby why?

Now you are at the Bridge there is another star in the sky, it’s the brightest one we see every night.

Nothing we say sweet Puds seems to be enough to say how much you mean to us, you will be with us forever in our broken hearts

Good night Pudsey, and until we meet again be happy and keep wagging that tail of yours.

Sometimes in life,
you find a special friend;
Someone who changes your life
Just by being part of it.
Someone who makes you laugh
Until you can’t stop;
Someone who makes you believe
That there really is good in the world.
Someone who convinces you
That there really is an unlocked door
Just waiting for you to open it.
This is Forever Friendship.
Fly with the angels dear Pudsey. We all loved you.


Young Pudsey was a Labrador who was no longer wanted because of his Hip Dysplasia He needed a complete hip replacement and had two major operations in 2007. 

He was in forever foster with Denise and Phil Regula who adored him and he regularly wrote his own diary with their help. 

Despite his health problems, he was a very happy boy and Pudsey became one of the first Sponsor Dogs.

FROM PUDSEY (with help from Aunty Wendy)

You rescued me and gave me a home,
I was so happy with you I would never roam.

You were my Guardian Angels with help from above,
and you have always given me so much love.

I had very bad hips which were in a terrible way,
which steadily got worse by the day.

You raised money for me to get my hips done,
so I could play with my friends and also run.

But sadly it didn’t work out for me,
I was in pain again as you could see.

You have done more for me than most owners would,
you were both so kind and so very good.

I will never forget that you took me in too,
I’ve loved every day and the company too.

I have loved you both more than words can say,
and I will think of you each and every day.

I am now just like a puppy again,
I run and play and I am free from pain.

I will only be just a whisper away,
and you may feel my spirit during the day.

God has just chosen me to be one of his Angels too,
he knew I was so handsome and would know just what to do.

I will watch over you during day and night,
I will be your *Star* in Heaven that always shines so bright.

Thank you again for all you have done,
I know to you I was your very Special Son.

Lots of Love from your Pudsey xxxxxxxxx


Dear sweet Pudsey became a Sponsor Dog to represent other dogs like himself who were struggling with debilitating illnesses.

Denise and Phil would like to thank those kind people that sponsored him:-

Eric and Hilary Cassidy
Patricia May
Sandra Bunn
Sandra Dalmeijer
Maria Cooper
Shell Ryan & David

Beth Gray
Renate Nunn
Daniel Osborne
Sarah Wall
Sam Lauren Jones
Rita Moohan


Today our boy would have been only 3 years old, such a baby still, but it wasn’t meant to be. So, in Heaven now……..

Happy birthday sweet boy

I miss you every minute of the day, all I want is be able to cuddle you. It’s only been one short week since you left, but you have left such a huge hole it seems like a lifetime since I last held you


They say memories are golden
well maybe that is true.
I never wanted memories,
I only wanted you.

A million times I needed you,
a million times I cried.
If love alone could have saved you
you never would have died.

In life I loved you dearly,
In death I love you still.
In my heart you hold a place
no one could ever fill.

If tears could build a stairway
and heartache make a lane,
I’d walk the path to heaven
and bring you back again.

Our family chain is broken,
and nothing seems the same.
But as God calls us one by one,
the chain will link again
