2014 Non-Golden Successes


They say I’m nothing special, a mongrel and a stray
I’m in the Pound and I have heard I’m gone in one more day
Nobody says what happens but in our hearts we know
We have a one way ticket, us losers on Death Row.

If no-one comes to claim us, it’s a one way trip to Heaven
I note the number on my cage – could it be lucky seven?
But who is going to choose me, the purebreds all go first
My mixed up genes, for certain, make me feel that I am cursed

But who is this who takes me so gently in their arms?
I hear them say a mongrel has some very special charms.
They’ve chosen me from all the rest – I’m really going home
They’ll cherish me so much I’ll never ever want to roam

I’ll make them laugh and please be sure I’ll always be their friend
I’ll love with licks and snuggles right to the very end
We’ll be in tune so much there won’t be any need to speak
To them I’m very special – they’re proud I am unique

Poem by Jeff Shepherd