2015 Golden Successes


T’was the middle of Winter and out in the snow
Dogs frollick and play in the moon’s golden glow 
With tails wagging hard, life’s as good as could be
They think of the people who set them all free.

Times once were so hard but now things are just great
They’re treasured and loved, not the subjects of hate
Thanks to the folk who had emptied the Pound
Making sure for their rescues a safe place was found

The kind foster carers who welcomed them in
Washed them and fed them no matter their “sin”
Then once they were ready, to new homes they’d go
Their own special people “Forever” we know

So many people in so many ways
Help with the rescue of sad waifs and strays
All the effort and time by kind people so driven
Donations of money so happily given

Twas the middle of Winter and dogs gather round
Goldies, once playing, don’t utter a sound
They ask for a blessing from angels above
A prayer for the carers who gave so much love  

Poem by Jeff Shepherd